Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Parallel World and Timelessness

The parallel world that Noah sailed into 6000 years ago through time was one that was made in error. The evidence for this error was planted in a world that chose to determine their own destiny without the Higher Help of the Heavens.

Between the Real World, and the world we call home today, there is a gateway. Physical science calls this a wormhole. Within this Gateway through time the memories of the Ancient World that once housed our world exists. It is impossible to access this Gateway through time because of all of the misunderstanding that was introduced into the false world we live in today before the Great Flood. The illusion of this false world has grown into a monster that can no longer be ignored. Neither can it be tamed. It is, therefore necessary to find our way back Home, or the the Real World that was designed to perfectly house us in the beginning.

The history of the false world we live in today was defined by Inno-Sense. Inno-Sense is the property of the Heavens. All of the creative potential lies within this Inno-Sense. However, in the beginning, before a whole foundation was assigned to the Real World, a deception enter into the mind of the Inno-Sense. The Living Inno-Sense Seed that would allow a Living Flow to move through was replaced with a body to define the purpose and meaning of life. After the Great Flood, the false parallel world that Noah sailed into was born.

Without the protection of the Heavens, the false world became a target of attack from lesser beings of darkness. This alien world that we live in is subject to haunting and fear sounds that we do not understand. These unnatural alien sounds come out of this lower alien dimension that was chosen by children that did not understand the consequences of their actions.

I do not completely understand or comprehend how the alien beings that live in this darkness came to be. The Bible notes that the darkest of these entities are demons. Along with, what the Bible refers to as demons, are alien beings that exist in a dimension that is difficult for us to understand. Rather than get caught up in this, I would rather focus on finding the way back through the tunnel through time that we passed through 6000 years ago. Because the linear timeline that was provided for our world has ended, we must move back across the linear timeline to our Real Home.

The Real World exists in a Higher Dimension. Much has been written and proclaimed concerning the end of the world, and these proclamations are accurate. However, it was never the intention of the Heavens to destroy our world, but rather to allow the error to play out until the "end of days." Once the end of days had come to an end, the people of the old world would be mature enough to make their own decisions and choices.

The fact that we are living in a world that was decided for us, in the beginning, by children was a mistake. As with all mistakes, if you do not understand exactly what the mistake is, you will attempt to fix the mistake based on what is believed, and belief cannot fix this error. Much more is necessary.

The error that was made in the beginning was one that had to play itself out in time. The Real World does not exist in time the way we understand it. It exists in timelessness.

Timelessness does not render the body helpless. Timelessness does not leave the body open to attack, disease, or death. Timelessness does not present limitations, not does it present time as a measure of success or failure. All of these unnatural consequences come from a belief that time has some kind of authority that timelessness does not.

Noah sailed the Arc through a Gateway in time. However, it will be different for us. In order to return to the Real World, we will have to walk across a Bridge through time. This is a Rainbow Bridge that will be understood as the people of the world begin to make their way across it to the Real World.

At first glance, it may appear as though the Rainbow Bridge will not hold the weight of the body. However, it is not the weight of the body that this Bridge will carry across time. It is the memories that we as a global society will carry with us across the Rainbow Bridge. However, before this can happen, all of the contamination of the old world must be removed. Otherwise, timelessness will be contaminated with time, and destruction will follow the people into the Real World.

The Journey into the Real World is the last journey we will ever have to make. The only way to make this journey is to travel back across the linear timeline to the tunnel in time where Noah entered the false world. As we travel across the Rainbow Bridge, the memories of the Real World will begin to return to our mind. Every memory of the Real World extends and increases in value until the whole world remembers. Once the whole world remembers, we will all enter into the Real World.

One memory of the Real World is enough to shift the collective memories of the whole. This cannot be taught, but instead, must be remembered.

Never before in the history of the Universe has such a Plan been implemented to save a whole world. This is a Universal Plan and was set into motion immediately after the error that occurred in the beginning. The name of this Plan is One Wholeness Now. This is the only operative Plan that is Universally sanctioned and supported by the Heavens.

This is a secular Plan, which means it is not religious, political, national, or international. Anyone can access it and use it to find their way through time back to the Real World. The purpose of the Plan is to learn to use time in such a way that it is eliminated from Universal Memories.

Please remember that this Plan originates in the Heavens. It is therefore orchestrated by the Heavens and is under the protection of the Living Laws that protect Heaven. These are Higher Living Laws that we are very unfamiliar with. Learning to adjust to the Higher Living Laws of Heaven is necessary in order to make this journey. Learning to apply Living Laws is for our own protection. Heaven cannot protect us as long as we are using paper laws. Paper laws are not Living Laws and do not recognize our Divinity as Living Laws do.

This world we are living in is not the Real World, and it is time to accept this fact. The old world is dying, as it has run out of time. Turn around and journey across the Rainbow Bridge where we will all begin to remember Who We Are as One and in Wholeness. What you will find here can never be explained, but only remembered.

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