Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The False Evident Demonstration of an Illusion

The problem with faith is that it will support an illusion despite the fact that all evidence stems from a deception. This is the power of faith.

Hope also carries power. While faith is the evident demonstration of reality, though not yet beheld, hope carries what faith is being demonstrated for.

Our world exists on a timeline that carries a dual reality. This dual reality is comprised of opposing values. At one end of the timeline, faith is carried in the unlimited creative power that we share jointly in. This is the Collective Spirit of our world. The opposing value, which evidence seems to support, is that our nature is not unlimited, but in fact limited to a body reference. Which evidence of faith do you support?

If you say you support faith in the body, then your faith is limited to what you support. If you say you support the evidence of the Collective Spirit, then you will look for evidence to support this faith.

All body evidence is supported and produced by the one operating their body. The ability to support th body comes from the Collective Spirit, as it is standard equipment when we are born. The way to build on the Natural Ability of the Spirit is to use the body to define a specific skill. The problem is, once a skill begins to be integrated within the mind, the Natural Ability in the Collective Spirit becomes a 2nd nature, as the skill takes over.  Once the skill takes over the Natural Ability of the Collective Spirit, we are independently responsible for using our skill to reach the collective whole. In other words, we will have to force and manipulate with body skills in order to reach a desired outcome. Because this way of "doing" with a body skill is limited, we are only accessing 10% of the actual "ability" we were born with the reach the collective whole.

Once the unnatural process of using skill to force or manipulate with the body becomes our independent means to gather information, we begin to "buy" into the so called skills that other people possess. We believe that if we use their skill, we will have what we want.

First we figure out what we want to "get," and because it is impossible to get with an ability, we will look for a skillful way to get what we want by seeking the advice of others, or by watching the skill of another. Either way, we may build our skill, but if we are not including our natural ability, it will be evident within that something is missing in our method.

Watching someone else who is successful will not lead to personal success if inner ability is set aside, and this is exactly what we tend to do as we mature. In fact, this is what we are taught to do.

How many times have you heard the statement; if you want to be successful, find someone who is and follow in their footsteps. This would work for someone who is mature enough to understand what it is that they want in their life. However, if an individual is seeking for body success for independent glory, this is an illusion. The illusion is brought about by the belief that it is possible to gain what is wanted by patterning the success of another. This is ridiculous, as there are too many variables within this method of learning.

If the skill method is method of learning is accepted as a way to gain what is wanted in life, the individual will have to look at the fact that they are leaving out 90% of the unlimited potential in the Natural Ability, which is connected to the Collective Spirit, as it is within the Collective Spirit that what we refer to as coincidences and synchronicity occurs. It is within our Natural Ability that we are Collectively joined in "Nature." Nature being were Living Flow occurs. The Natural Ability within the Collective Creative Spirit must be placed first in time. It must be the first consideration.

The artificial flow that skill provides is limited to the belief that we can somehow have our needs met by moving a body skill outside of the Collective Spirit, and then be satisfied with a fistfull of dollars that this artificial flow provides.

The unnatural flow on the linear timeline, which is defined by body skill, can and will run out at the end of the linear timeline. This end of time signifies the conclusion of the life of the skill that the body is being used for. There is another way, but as individuals we must be willing to look at all of the ways that we have independently chosen the independent body over the Collective Unifying evidence of the Spirit.

The way we have been taught to apply body skill over the Collective Natural Ability of the Spirit is clearly a violation of the Spirit. Any violation of the Spirit clearly violates, not only the Living Laws of Heaven, but also denies our Right to the unlimited potential within the Spirit. Any denial of the Collective Nature within the Spirit is a denial of Self Value. Any denial of this nature will end in an unnatural and untimely death. Whether it comes from old age, or disease, denial of the Spirit will result in an untimely death.

This is deception that we hang onto believing that we can make an illusion that is rooted in this deception into a real world. This is all make believe, and it is all a lie.

It is time to be real, as being and having are exactly the same thing. If you do not have what you want, is it possible that your Natural Ability is "being" ignored.

Remember this, whenever you are tempted (temptation is a wish to make an illusion real) to place a body skill over a Natural Ability of the Spirit, you are walking without the aid of the Collective Spirit of the whole. You did not really believe that the Heavens would give you access to the Whole Collective Spirit without considering your brother or sister did you? Yet this is what we believe. It is a deception, and all deceptions lead to illusions. If you place your faith in evidence in the false hope that you can define a reality without considering the Whole, is this not a pipe dream?

Alone we are all lowly. However, collectively the right person will always come along;we will always manage to be in the right place at the right time, and the right thing that we need to fulfull our goal will always show up. This is called the Law of Attraction.

The Collective Solution of the Spirit is always evident. However, if we are looking at something else, how will we ever know? The Cllective Solution of the Spirit is one we can place our faith in with the assured expectation of receiving the things hoped for. Everything else is an illusion.

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