In the beginning, there were many extraterrestrial beings that populated the Earth. Some these beings came from a Universally defined Royal Class. The Royal Class of Higher Beings were so determined because of their connection to the Universal Higher Mind. This connection gave Them Free Will, and it also gave them the ability to be a Co-Creator within the Universal Mind.
The Royal Class of Beings looked for a perfect Planet to educate the Inno-Sense coming out of the Universal Mind. The Inno-Sense coming out of the Universal Mind were to learn how to use the Garden setting of the Planet Earth to explore and build whole conscious understanding.This would require Inno-Sense to wholly explore and wholly relate to everything within nature, which was provided by the Living Earth. The exploration of the Planet included learning to listen to the Sounds of the Earth while establishing a connection to all living things on the Planet Earth.
In higher realms of understanding, one must learn to wholly appreciate the Creative Ability within to share it. It is this whole appreciation that leads to a Living Flow of Higher Understanding. It is the Higher Understanding that is defined as a Living Currency or Living Flow that is provided by Higher Consciousness that is being learned. Once this Currency or higher understanding is wholly learned, this is called Omnipotent understanding.
Omnipotence carries the Higher Sound that is necessary for the Consciousness of many. This is a unified Living Sound that carries the Living Sound of Understanding, or the Currency of the Universe, towards completion.
After Omnipotent understanding or Currency enters the Spirit mind, there would be a shift in Inno-Sense towards a more creative endeavor. In this world, we call this we call this the coming of age.
The coming of age occurs after adolescence, or when one has put away the things of youth and is ready to face the world.
If one never grows up psychologically in this world, it is because they never put away the things of their youth. If they never put away the things of their youth, they remain a child in an adult body. In other words, they are stuck in the past. If they remain a child in an adult body, then the inner child has not found what they are looking for, or if they got their own way, it did not net them what they really wanted or what they expected it to be.
It is this false expectation that keeps the inner child from finding what they really want. What they really want is to be happy. This is the problem that our world is facing today. The Inno-Sense that was supposed to follow the Higher Education that was being provided, chose to "do" something that would shift the foundation of the world we live in today. Because of this, our world never grew up. We are still acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. It is time to grow up and learn the rest of the lessons that are provided for the Spirit. These lessons were never intended for the body because the body is a limit.
In the beginning, the Inno-Sense of Spirit, which was forming a foundation of higher creative understanding for our world, attempted to skip the higher education that this understanding would have offered, and instead chose to cloth their Spirit with a body. By clothing their Spirit with a body, Inno-Sense would never grow up. Is this the Peter Pan syndrome or what?
This error by Inno-Sense must be corrected if we want to enter into communion with the Omniscient Mind. Entering into communion would be understanding Omnipotence. Our world never entered into Omnipotence because it never learned to wholly appreciate the Omniscient Mind. This is because it clothed its Spirit with a body before it explored the Whole Science necessary to understand the Creative potential within the unlimited Spirit.
The Inno-Sense of the whole world continues to be trapped within the independent conscious body. It is our responsibility as the people who will become the Nations of the Rainbow to release this Inno-Sense so our Spirit can consciously complete the Higher Education planned in the beginning. Until the Inno-Sense of the collective Spirit is released, our world will never mature.
The Inno-Sense of the whole world continues to be trapped within the independent conscious body. It is our responsibility as the people who will become the Nations of the Rainbow to release this Inno-Sense so our Spirit can consciously complete the Higher Education planned in the beginning. Until the Inno-Sense of the collective Spirit is released, our world will never mature.
You would not allow a 3-year-old to direct your life, and yet this is going on in our world. There are 8 billion people in our world, and they are all being directed by an immature Spirit. Do you not believe this might be a problem?
The immature Spirit is hiding in an adult body and we cannot figure out the problem, so we go to a psychologist, or we go to an MD hoping they can fix what is wrong with the body. The body is not the problem, and until this is recognized, we will continue to struggle.
Why aren't we happy? Why aren't we abundant, and why are we limited? It is because we are hiding our Spirit in the body that we believe can save us. This is insane. The Spirit must be released so it can complete its education, and we can grow up.
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