Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Miracle Response

There is only one way to respond with a miracle, and everything we believe we need to understand for a Miracle Response is in error.

We live, work, play, think, and act out in a 3D body. This means our ability to understand has been defined, captured, and limited to a 3D body. We are so caught up in how the body interprets the whole world, we have no idea of the understanding that we are capable of. 

Being unconsciously chained to a 3D body, the only way to make individuals aware of just how limited their understanding has become being is to offer them the means to consciously choose another form of thought that is not chained to the body.

The Miracle Response has the ability to change our internal personal interpretations of everything we see within our 3D reality. Although this will not move us consciously out of the body, what it will do is allow us to align our understanding with the Heavens. In other words, the new interpretations that The Miracle Response offers will be in alignment with the understanding necessary to shift our allegiance away from any harmful, or fearfully conflicted ideas. These are ego based ideas that were formed before the age of logic or reason set in, which cause us to think in limited terms.
This is a process that must be learned. Although it can be learned, it is not necessarily easy. This is because our understanding is confined to a 3D body experience.

If everything that you learned in your body experience is in error, what is it exactly that you consciously understand? What interpretation do you carry that will allow you entrance into a higher realm of understanding?

Of this you can be certain, there is not one person in this world that will be allowed to carry their fear based body intelligence into a higher dimension. If this was allowed, this would contaminate this higher dimension as well. It only takes one thought that is out of alignment with whole truth to contaminate a dimension, and the 3rd dimension is full of contamination. 

Memory contamination is like a disease that is rampant. This is how our world ended up in 3D, a deceptive memory entered the mind of the whole, and immediately went to work contaminating the whole. We understand how a virus that makes the body sick. What we do not understand is how a deceptive will sicken a whole dimension.

All of the memory deceptions we carry concerning the 3D body experience are held within time. Time is so contaminated with this deception, it must be cleaned up BEFORE our world will be allowed entrance into the New Earth, or the Real World. If it is not cleaned up, then what would be the point?

Miracles are like cleaners in time, or in 4D. They see the problem and work with us individually to help us clean up our own mess in time.The miracle lies in their ability to completely abolish any contaminated memory that is preventing us from consciously moving into the next dimension. The understanding necessary to move into the next higher dimension lies beyond the understanding that we have committed to in the 3D body. It is thus the commitment to 3D body understand that must be addressed. This understanding lies in the emotional interpretations we have given to the external world, as it is the external world what defines our 3D body experience.

The purpose of miracles is to replace the 3D fearful body experience with a whole new miracle experience. This means that we will have to examine everything that we believe we understand to be real and true.

This is a job that we agreed to come here and help with. This was a promise made to the Heavens. The problem is, we have forgotten this promise, and so we are attempting to do something else. Whatever this something else is will not fix this world. Heaven has its OWN Plan.

The next step in Planetary alignment with the Heavens is not scheduled for body evolution. The body has evolved all that it is going to. Hence, body evolution is done, it is over, complete, and there is nowhere else to go because there is nothing else the body can understand. Period, end of sentence, chapter, book, and end of the linear time period that defined body evolution. However, there is plenty that consciousness can understand, but consciousness does not understand how to reach beyond the body experience. This is what Miracle Coaching and Consulting is for.

The next chapter in our world remains to be written. We the people are the ones who will be writing this chapter. Are you ready to write your chapter, which will be written in the Heavens until time indefinite? Most people I know don't even understand what their next step is in 3D, never mind writing a Living Chapter in the Book of Life.

Heavens wants to be known, and no one will ever know Heaven with the conscious understanding that is limited to a 3D body experience, and that's the way it is. The only way to understand Heaven is to understand your Self, and your Self is not limited to a body. WAKE UP!!!

Miracle Coaching and Consulting

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