When our world began 6000 years ago, the connection to Living Flow was never established. This did not mean it was not there, as Living Flow provides for all of Nature on the Earth. It means that the people
of that time period were not in a position to gain access to Living Flow. This was because the Natural Ability to access Living Flow had been revoked. Thousands of years would have to be spent by humans attempting to define
a facsimili that would imitate Living Flow. Today this unnatural facsimili is called monetary flow.
Living Flow is a Natural Phenomenon that flows throught time. At the time our world began, the connection between humans and this natural phenomenon had been broken. Because of this, humans learned to devise, or "make up," what seemed to be a meaningful way to establish an individual limited flow that would mimic Living Flow. This would be a flow that would establish dominance and power through wealth to certain individuals or countries that learned from the lessons of evolution. These were lessons of survival, as well learning to develop a skill through trial and error. The limited flow that was through the evolution of the body was independent of the whole, which is necessary to establish Living Flow. Eventually the flow that established independent wealth would become a monster, threatening to first dominate, and then enslave the lives of the many.
Living Flow is a Natural Phenomenon that flows throught time. At the time our world began, the connection between humans and this natural phenomenon had been broken. Because of this, humans learned to devise, or "make up," what seemed to be a meaningful way to establish an individual limited flow that would mimic Living Flow. This would be a flow that would establish dominance and power through wealth to certain individuals or countries that learned from the lessons of evolution. These were lessons of survival, as well learning to develop a skill through trial and error. The limited flow that was through the evolution of the body was independent of the whole, which is necessary to establish Living Flow. Eventually the flow that established independent wealth would become a monster, threatening to first dominate, and then enslave the lives of the many.
By assigning an independent flow, people were never recognized by their natural ability, but instead by an unnatural skill to manipulate. This was complimented by a body will to force other individuals to serve those who were made powerful through an unnatural skill to undermine the many.
This world has never adapted to the idea that integrity comes from a natural ability. Instead, independent skill has always dominated the methods used to define the unnatural flow that determined wealth. Those who used the Natural Ability of the people to build a City of integrity became prosperous and lasted for many years. However, within time, skill has become the main focus for those who want to advance towards an independent system of wealth.
It is Natural Ability that establishes Oneness, and it is the Natural Ability within the connects the collective into Whole Core Values. It is Whole Core Values that establishes the connection to Living Flow. Without this conscious understanding, which comes from a Natural Ability, the necessary individual understanding to reach Living Flow would never be established.
Not understanding the Living Laws that serve Living Flow, there were those who attempted to attract monetary
wealth with a limited understanding of the Law of Attraction. When this did not work it was believed that this Law was somehow faulty because it would only work for a few. This is clearly a misunderstanding of how Living Law works. Living Law works equally for everyone, as does Living Flow. When it appears that the Law is not working, it is because of a misunderstanding of the Living Law. Living Law must be wholly understood. If not, then Living Law will not work.,
Living Flow will establish the Living Rights to all of the people through Living Law. The problem is, people are attempting to assign a Living Law to a man made flow that does not support the integrity necessary assigned to Living Flow. If Living Flow is to be recognized, then it must be established for everyone. Not just a few randomly selected individuals. This is not how Higher Living Law works. Understanding the necessary integrity to access Living Flow and the Living Laws that protect Living Law means that the individual does not just seek for a singular method or purpose to obtain get Natural Flow to work only for them, as this will restrict its purpose.
This is the problem with all understanding concerning the Living Conditions of that govern Heaven. There is a lot of conflict regarding the flow of material wealth. Conflict disregards the necessary absolute truth that is necessary to delegate Living Flow. The only way to establish a Living Flow to our world is through peace. This is peace that can be offered independently, unlike material wealth.
Living Flow will establish the Living Rights to all of the people through Living Law. The problem is, people are attempting to assign a Living Law to a man made flow that does not support the integrity necessary assigned to Living Flow. If Living Flow is to be recognized, then it must be established for everyone. Not just a few randomly selected individuals. This is not how Higher Living Law works. Understanding the necessary integrity to access Living Flow and the Living Laws that protect Living Law means that the individual does not just seek for a singular method or purpose to obtain get Natural Flow to work only for them, as this will restrict its purpose.
This is the problem with all understanding concerning the Living Conditions of that govern Heaven. There is a lot of conflict regarding the flow of material wealth. Conflict disregards the necessary absolute truth that is necessary to delegate Living Flow. The only way to establish a Living Flow to our world is through peace. This is peace that can be offered independently, unlike material wealth.
Peace is a condition of Heaven. However, it is not an condition that determines the wealth of of this world. Conflict is the condition of wealth in this world. If the individual has enough money, chances are they will want more. This is a left over trait of body evolution. However, this is not a natural trait of the Spirit. Hence, it is the collective Creative Spirit, not the body that must be consciously looked to for help in solving the Living Flow dilemma.
Absolutes only happen in truth or reality. Anything that happens is happening in the Now. Anything that occurs has been determined in the past. A skill is something that is learned in the past, and will occur over and over again However, an ability is something that is happening now. If a skill is added to an ability, instead of an ability being added to a skill, the determining factor of Now will recognize the natural ability within the Spirit as happening Now. Thus, instead of placing a skill learned in the past ahead of an ability, which belongs to the Spirit, in second place, the individual will have access to Living Flow. This will begin the process of shifting the underlying limited value of a past skill, with an unlimited ability of the Spirit, which happens in the Now.
An ability of the Spirit is One with Living Flow. The Spirit does not seek for individual wealth, as this is inconsistent and out of order with the Higher Value of Heaven. In order to consciously direct Living Flow, one must understand that what they are seeking is what they seek for the whole, not just themselves. This does require forethought and consistency. The next question is, how does one learn to do this?
The condition that defines wealth in this world is defined by a material possession. This possession is wealth, or money. However, the condition of Heaven, which is necessary to enter Living Flow, is one. This oneness includes the many, but it also leaves no-thing out. Thus, this One includes the Whole. This condition is naturally defined as One Wholeness Now.
An individual skill will not allow anyone to enter into Living Flow. Being unable to enter into Living Flow will prevent the individual from understanding that they are protected by Living Law. Without access to Living Law, the individual will be forced to reconcile their body to inferior laws that respect the paper flow that is being regulated by a few individuals.
An ability of the Spirit is One with Living Flow. The Spirit does not seek for individual wealth, as this is inconsistent and out of order with the Higher Value of Heaven. In order to consciously direct Living Flow, one must understand that what they are seeking is what they seek for the whole, not just themselves. This does require forethought and consistency. The next question is, how does one learn to do this?
The condition that defines wealth in this world is defined by a material possession. This possession is wealth, or money. However, the condition of Heaven, which is necessary to enter Living Flow, is one. This oneness includes the many, but it also leaves no-thing out. Thus, this One includes the Whole. This condition is naturally defined as One Wholeness Now.
An individual skill will not allow anyone to enter into Living Flow. Being unable to enter into Living Flow will prevent the individual from understanding that they are protected by Living Law. Without access to Living Law, the individual will be forced to reconcile their body to inferior laws that respect the paper flow that is being regulated by a few individuals.
The individual must consciously
learn to place the Natural Ability that joins them with the collective Whole first. This will break down the barriers of independent power and wealth that appear to be given only to a few. There is power in the many, and when this power joins with the Living Power in Living Flow, the people will be protected by Living Law. This is the same Living Law that protected Israel when this Nation exited Egypt 40000 years ago. The mass army of Egypt, which was sent to detain the Nation of Israel, was simply nothing compared to the Living Laws that protected the Exodus of these people.
As individuals begin to learn to
place their Natural Ability above the skillful treasures they see as necessary to maintain the false integrity that money provides, whole new sources of abundance will begin to be introduced into the world through Living Flow. Once Living Flow is accepted by the people of the world, whole Living Flow will be restored to the Earth as well, and she will "blossom as a rose." If all of this is confusing, remember this; the Nation of Israel roamed in the desert for 40 years before they were able to understand the Law, and what was required of them to live in peace.
There is really a lot of information to cover, for this reason it is best not to be overwhelmed. What is important to understand is that there is a specific Plan to introduce Living Flow into our world to restore Wholeness.
There is really a lot of information to cover, for this reason it is best not to be overwhelmed. What is important to understand is that there is a specific Plan to introduce Living Flow into our world to restore Wholeness.
Our world has
never had whole access to Living Flow because of an error that was made long before the Great Flood, which delivered Noah and his family into a whole new world. This new world would allow the people to establish a reality
with separate body identities, without a collective Identity that would connect our world to the Heavens. This is called the physical history of the world. It includes the evolution of the body, which required us to individually accept a body skill as the basis for our reality. A body skill is a limit to the Natural Ability that belongs to the Spirit.Today we are being offered the means to remember what was forgotten at the beginning of linear time.
I hope that you will join me in learning another history that has been lost in time and space. This story is beyond the spoken word because it is beyond time. I will attempt to do this Story justice, with my words. However, in order to hear an accurate interpretation that will fill your mind, you must journey down an unfamiliar rode. This is the journey that will lead to whole new interpretations, which will ultimately lead to whole new understanding. It is this whole new understanding that will connect us to the Living Flow that moves through time.
I hope that you will join me in learning another history that has been lost in time and space. This story is beyond the spoken word because it is beyond time. I will attempt to do this Story justice, with my words. However, in order to hear an accurate interpretation that will fill your mind, you must journey down an unfamiliar rode. This is the journey that will lead to whole new interpretations, which will ultimately lead to whole new understanding. It is this whole new understanding that will connect us to the Living Flow that moves through time.
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