Friday, October 28, 2016

Undoing Global Destructive Value

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not a religious reference. Instead, it is a reference to an error that was made at the foundation of our world, along with a Promise and a Plan to undo the error that was inadvertently written into the foundation of our world thousands of years ago. Restoring the Rainbow Nations is part of this Plan.

If you do not understand the whole problem, you will never find a whole solution. If the problem is not recorded where you are looking for it, you will also believe that the solution can be found in the same place as the problem.

The problem is this; our world is headed for complete destruction. The question is, do you seek to find a solution within the destruction to solve the problem of destruction, or are you seeking for a solution where the original problem can be identified? A problem and a solution must be brought together in one space. This way the problem and the solution can be agreed upon. If not, there will  only be conflict.

In our world, there are just too many problems. If one solution is identified, it opens the door to many more problems. If one global problem was identified, then this one problem could be addressed with one solution. Herein lies the problem. The problem that our world is facing is not a religious, political, racial, or an international issue. There are obviously thousands of paper documents that have determined these many different problems that are occurring at this level, but not one of these solutions are dealing with the real problem, as it occurred thousands of years ago. It is therefore buried under thousands of years of physical history.

The way that this world keeps track of records, until recently, is through books.  Technology has now taken over the job of record keeping. However, even at this, there is a much more advanced way of keeping records. We have not discovered this method because the body will never evolve enough to grasp this advanced method of record keeping. This advanced method of record is literally assigned to the dimension we refer to as time.

The time/space continuum is where the Spirit records the global memories of the occupants of the people who live on the specific Planet that houses said occupants. This is Living Understanding, not analytical memories that belong to a specific body.

Understanding that is specific to the whole, both the world and the Planet, is saved in the time/space continuum. This allows the Spirit to deliver this Living Understanding whenever an occupant is seeking for relevant information. The purpose of this advanced form of Living Communication saves time, as any problem that has been solved in the past is immediately available for anyone who wants to access this Living Information. To be certain, this information is Living Understanding. Whenever the Spirit accesses this information, the understanding coming from the time/space continuum is immediate. In other words, there is no question, only a solution.

In the world where the people of today reside, individuals have not been trained to look for their understanding here. Instead, they seek understanding that they have learned in the past, according to their own personal guidance.

Whereas the understanding held in the time/space continuum is infinite wisdom and is based on many years the Spirit collecting perfect data that is pertinent to the many, the body is limited to the experience of one individual. Hence, because the body is limited to a personal experience, this understanding is never shared, and a common mistake will occur over and over and over again.

In order to share the Living Memories that have been recorded in time, I had to go through a process of undoing the many personal body blocks that were interfering with this Living Connection. This Living Connection is also referred to as a Living Flow that moves through time. Each body block that prevented me from accessing this Living Flow had me pursuing a material illusion. This illusion is body promoted, and comes from the programming that replaced the Living Communication that was evident at the founding of our world.

The false promise of an artificially produced monetary flow had me looking for an independent monetary reward,which was ultimately a pipe dream. The false body education about where to find an insane promise of money kept me in constant turmoil.

I constantly felt like a failure. because of the lack of sufficient understanding that was necessary to reach this illusion. I wanted to understand what was wrong with me. As it turned out, I was looking for understanding in the wrong place. The goal of reaching a monetary flow was impossible for me, as my goal was my truth, and truth does not exist where destruction is imminent. The body can be destroyed, and our world can be destroyed, but the truth cannot. The solution to the problem of the destruction of our world is consciously reaching the Living Flow of Memories that move through time. It is here we will begin to understand the Promise made to our world by the Heavens, and also the means we are to be given to rewrite the physical history of our world for the goal of sanity, instead of the insane goal of ultimate destruction. All of this is within the realm of conscious possibility.

The reason I am explaining this to hopefully open your mind to the possibility that your hope, your faith, and your truth does not lie in a paper illusion. We have been lied to. You will consciously find your purpose and whole truth outside of the box, or the body if you so desire to seek for it here. It is in time where it was left, and you can remember.

The Plan of One Wholeness Now does not teach truth as all truth is inherent within. Everyone has access to this truth, but they are looking for it in the wrong place. Truth does not belong to a body, as the body will ultimately die. Truth does not die, and the memories of truth that you have added to the Living Flow in time is waiting for your conscious return. Body death cannot separate you from this truth, only you can.

The linear timeline that our world has been walking on is an illusion. Time is a spiral, it is not a line. Just as the Earth is a circle, the Spirit must have access to the Circle of Life, which is the Living Flow that belongs to our world.

A spiral allows the Spirit continual access to the Living Understanding that exists in time. We have walked away from the Circle of Life to explore the limited personal beliefs of the body. It is time to return to our Living Roots or Whole Core Values that can be shared. These Living Truths are peace, joy, goodness, wholeness, happiness, abundance, Love, gratitude, and the list goes on. These are waiting for us in time. They do not exist in the body, they never have.

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