Monday, October 24, 2016

How Anxiety Interferes with Nature

The body was not designed to house emotional conflict, as our emotions were not created to be body assigned. The Home of our emotions is the Spirit. Whenever an emotion becomes trapped in a body experience, it will change the chemistry of the body into the emotional discord that the body was exposed to. It will also create a vacuum in time where darkness will remain until the body chemistry is repaired.

Emotions do not enter the world inside of the body. Instead, they enter within the Spirit. The Spirit is One, which means that when Higher Emotions that belong to the Spirit remain within the Spirit, there is a natural connection between humans and the Earth. When an emotion enters the body, the Spirit is unnaturally deprived of the higher emotional attribute that come from the Heavens and belong to the Spirit. It is within this gap, where the emotion has been body assigned, that a gap emerges in time. It is this gap in time that must be repaired. Once this gap is repaired, the Rainbow Nations, the elements, and the Earth will once again be as One.

Anxiety is an unnatural chemical imbalance within the body, brought about by a shift of the higher emotional integrity of the Spirit, to lower emotional integrity of the body. This only occurs when the emotion is exposed to a fragmented body experience, which is unlike emotional wholeness. This body experience is so contrary to whole the truth, which is defined by the Spirit, the emotion can do nothing but split and fragment itself into a body emotion. This shift is so profound, a chemistry shift at the body level will occur.

Because the intellect must have access to emotional memory to define a skill, it will use the unnatural chemistry that has been assigned to the body emotion to make a belief that is in harmony with the adapted unnatural chemistry. Over a period of time, the unnatural chemistry in the body that began as an innocent emotion becomes body anxiety. Body anxiety is destructive because the chemistry coming from the fragmented emotion is not supported by the Spirit or whole Light. Because the emotion is not supported by the Whole Chemistry of the Spirit, the chemistry of the body will begin to deteriorate.

This is what occurs at the body level. However, what occurs in time is much more dramatic.

What is impossible for us to individually determine in time is the emotional impact on the Whole connection that has been assigned to the Earth, nature, and humans. This connection is One and it does not happen at the body level. It is occurring in time without our understanding of what this means.

Because we have unknowingly assigned our emotions to the independent body, and placed them under the direction of the intellect of the body, we have interfered with the natural chemistry between our Spirit and the Spirit of the Earth. Hence, we fear what we do not understand, and attempt to build walls that will protect us from nature, and each other.

The body was not designed to be an emotional interpreter for the Spirit. Emotional interpretation is of the Spirit. This is where our Natural Ability comes from, or the ability to consistently move towards truth. The body does not understand the truth and neither does the intellect. The intellect analyzes, and like our emotions, the truth cannot be analyzed, only accepted.

The solution is simple, but not easy. The emotions that have been placed under the control of the intellect must be released to the Spirit. This will repair the unnatural gaps occurring in time. As the gaps in time are repaired, the Rainbow Nations will again rise in memory. These are memories that have been lost in time, and the only way to gain access to these whole memories is to release the emotional fragments that have been trapped in the body back to the Spirit.

As the emotional fragments are released to the Spirit, the chemistry of the body will shift. As this occurs, there will be a marked difference in body anxiety, body fear, and internal conflict. Whole health will be restored to the body, as it is the out of order chemistry that eats away at the body's health.

There is a Whole Plan to help individuals release the fragmented emotions have been trapped inside of an unnatural chemistry induced body existence. The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now. As whole emotional content is released to the Spirit, the Real World will begin to emerge in the One Mind of the Spirit that connects us individually to Nature and to the Earth.

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