The treasure necessary to belong to one of the Rainbow Nations is Self Value. All Self Value is defined as Self-Understanding, as understanding is the currency of the Universe. The more Self Understanding one has, the greater this value is determined within the realm of form. The Law of Attraction works on this principle. If the individual is not attracting external value, or what they want in the external world, their internal value or Self-Understanding of real value is lacking and in need of correction. The only way to correct this problem is to shift their internal value, or what they believe, to Self-Understanding.
"Acceptance without understanding is not learning, it is programming."
On the linear timeline, we have all been programmed to believe that there is some kind of external value that we can assimilate into the structure of our personal understanding. This is because we are all seeking for the value that was given to us at birth. The problem is if we came into this world with all of the Self Value that was necessary to determine a happy, healthy, and abundant life, all we were lacking was the conscious understanding that this Value already belonged to us.
The lessons on the linear timeline began early. These lessons were comprised of learning the value of a dollar. This lesson is clearly programming. To teach a child the value of a dollar is to project value outside of the Self. This is clearly not where Self-value is defined.
The natural ability to define the external world comes from our understanding. This understanding is then extended to what we want to share in the way of our Self-Value. The problem with being programmed to believe that there is value in money is that we were not taught that it is our Self-Value that has provided this value to the monetary paper value that is outside of us. In this instance, we will continually seek to gain internal balance by getting the value that we have been programmed to give away.
Herein lies the problem. We must now find a way to shift the belief that value is external, and return it to our internal value of the Self where it belongs. Once this Self-Value or treasure is returned, the internal void that had us believing that we have to take or get to have will cease to be. This will end the constant feeling that we have to make up for the loss that we experience at the body level. Until we become consciously aware of this untimely loss, we will continue to seek for value where it cannot be found.
The goal of this world has been to program the children into believing that value is external. Hence, most of the untimely programming that has led to self-doubt concerning one's own personal value occurred before the age of 5. This programming was not just about money but was also defined in our relationships, our Right to whole Justice, independence, liberty, health, education that leads to Self-Understanding, our Right to eat from the bounty of the Earth, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, we have were programmed at a very early age to give all of this away.
Learning to be a Rainbow Warrior must happen before one can lead a Nation. This is not anything that the leaders on the linear timeline learned. They were programmed just like we were. The purpose of many leaders is to confiscate wealth that does not belong to them through deception, force, and manipulation. This is being done because of how we were programmed to believe in value.
The truth is, Heaven's Treasure cannot be bought, sold, traded, or given away. The problem is, we do not understand this because we were deceived into shifting our Self-Value into an external symbol. For many, this external symbol is paper, or monetary currency.
In higher terms, money is not currency, understanding is. The problem is, we have turned over our ability to understand our OWN Self-Value by giving it away to an artificial currency that is not current at all. Currency implies the present and the money that is being used to define the present is clearly false artificial value that we have learned to accept as our reality in the past. All of it is a lie.
If we want to save ourselves and our world, the Value or the Treasure of Heaven that we were programmed to give away, must be reclaimed. This is our responsibility to our Self
If a Prince is sold into slavery, does this make the Prince a slave, or is the Prince in need of understanding the truth of his reality so he can claim it? Once the Prince understands his own Self-Value, he is no longer in need of the scraps of external value that he once deemed that he was worthy of. He understands that HE IS THE VALUE. His birthright cannot be sold, and neither can ours.
The people of this world must set out on a journey of understanding their Self-Value, This Self-Value is protected by the Heavens. Because we were programmed to give this Birthright away, we must also remember that it was us that accepted this, so we can choose again.
This ability to consciously choose again will change the purpose of time. It will allow us as individuals to learn to become a Master of Time. There is nowhere within the whole Universe that the ability to change time by consciously choosing again is being offered. This is how we become Rainbow Warriors. By accepting the Value that we were born with through new understanding, we will then be able to take the next step in claiming a Kingdom for the Heavens.
The name of the Plan that allows us to change our mind to shift away from past programming is called One Wholeness Now. The time is Now to claim the Birthright that we were born with, and was then stolen. If we do not understand the problem, we will continue to seek for a solution where it is impossible to find.
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