Monday, October 31, 2016

Living Flow and the New Earth

What are you worried about? Is it money? Is it who will be the next leader of the free world? Is it your children? Is it the environment? Is it where your next meal will come from? Is it how you will pay the rent? Is it a job?

All of the above problems are symptomatic of an unnatural application of artificial flow. Our world has become dependent on an artificially produced flow to subsidize what was naturally provided by the Planet Earth. This is an artificially produced paper flow that we have been working on replacing the Natural Living Flow of the Earth for the past 6000 years, but particularly the 100 years. With the advent of artificial intelligence, we now have the means to communicate an artificially produced flow inside of an artificially produced time zone. This is called technology. Living Flow is not permitted inside of artificial intelligence. This is what has been artificially made to prevent Living Flow flow from entering.  Really; there is nothing wrong with this? We have made an artifically assigned communication network that Living Flow cannot enter. Where there is no Living Flow, there is NO life.What good is Natural Flow if we already have access to the artificial means to communicate what we believe? Is it our personal belief that assigns Living Flow, or is it something else? If it is something else, it might be time to figure out what this is.

All of the Living Flow that Mother Nature produced for us is in the process of leaving this Planet. There are other Planets in the Universe that can use what we are throwing away. Now that we have found an artificially produced to replace the Living Flow that Mother Nature once provided, we no longer need Her. Because of this, she is moving her Living Flow to another reality so we can have and maintain the artificially produced flow that the banks, corporations, and nations provide for the people. Is this insane or what?

The Living Flow we are throwing away for a limited paper fix is slowly being removed from our world, but it will not be going away without making sure that all of the Living Flow the Planet Earth provides will be going with her. Then we can use the wars and bombs to completely annihilate our world. It will not matter because the Living Flow that the Earth provided for this old world will no longer exist. The people here that dominate an artificially produced society do not want it anyway, as they have been attempting to control it for the past hundred years or so. Living Flow cannot be tamed or controlled by an artificially produced energy source.

The unnatural weather patterns that are slowly destroying our world are making sure that there is no Living Flow remaining here. Then what will be left? Where will we go if we do not have a Planet to live on? To another planet in space so we can destroy it with an artificially supplied intelligence as well. I hardly think the Universe will allow this to occur.

Our world will end before the science necessary to move to another Planet is artificially developed. Or perhaps we will just float in outer space for thousands of years on a spaceship that is has developed artificially defined plants and animals. I think these life forms are called robots. If you are a robot, you do not need to eat. Nice future ahead of those who decide to stay in this world.

Living Flow needs access to our conscious support. If this conscious support is replaced with an artificially assigned flow, then it will be impossible to recognize Living Flow in our minds. It is within our mind where all reality lies. If Living Flow dies in our mind, then it will no longer exist for us.

Critical mass has been reached with artificially produced intelligence, as well as artificial flow. There are more people who support artificial flow than support Living Flow. There are billions of people that support artificial intelligence over their own. It is therefore critical that we shift our allegiance, lest we lose access to the Living Flow on the Planet Earth. Listen up.

 The Living Energies of the animals that once roamed freely in our world are being removed. As the last remnants of animals become extinct, our world will continue to pursue body pleasures, which is supported by artificial flow and artificial intelligence. If we were only a body, then this would be perfectly acceptable, but we are not just a body. We are also comprised of a Living Spirit, along with a Living Mind that houses all Life within the Universe. If we move outside of this Living Network. then we are defining an artificial life form of darkness. Is this what we are ready for. This is where those who have fallen from Grace abide. Is this really where we want to go? This is the path that those of Noah's day chose. They haunt the world we live in today. These lost souls wander about in darkness seeking to gather like-minded individuals to join them.

Just as in the days of Noah, people wanted to know...where this kingdom was that Noah was talking about. Well, they found out because they missed the boat that was headed for the New World. The world we are living in today will miss the boat as well, as we are doing the same thing that the people in Noah's day were doing.

They did not understand what it meant to abandon the Living Spirit, and so they placed what was best for the body first. Their main concern were guilty body pleasures. Any guilt that is allowed to manifest into form is of the body, not the Spirit. The belief that they body is greater than the Spirit is the problem.

Religion believes it understands what this means, and has attempted to explain and force this understanding upon the people of this world.  None of this is in alignment with Living Truth. The solution for guilt in religion is more guilt. How can a problem rectify a problem? It is like saying that death is the resolution for a terminal disease. Wouldn't that be health? Only Whole Inno-Sense will completely undo guilt.

Noah headed into a New World where it would be possible for humankind to begin again, and so, here we are, and the end of the world that Noah sailed into is going to hell in a handbag of artificial references as well,

The question is, are we going to just sit by and wait for the end of this world as well as did the people in Noah's day, or are we going to figure this out and accept the warning that the people ignored when the Arc sailed with just Noah and his family?

When Noah sailed out of the old world and into the New World, all of the people who lived in the old world were given a warning, but NO ONE LISTENED, and they all perished. The grid that held the old world of Noah's day collapsed. The Ark sailed into a new time zone that supported this grid, but the grid was temporary.

This grid provided a sanctuary for the body, along with the evidence that would make the body first in time. This new world was made on a flat grid that supported a linear time line. This was not the circular grid that was provided for the Planet Earth. This meant that that time would run out for this world, as the memories of deceptions and lies were not put to rest at the time of the flood. These memories would have to be put to rest by the people who inhabited the Planet Earth when time ran out on the linear timeline.

Just as in the days of Noah, nothing happens of this magnitude without the people being notified, along with a Plan of escape. If the Plan of escape is acted upon, the outcome is Life for those who choose it. If it is not acted upon, the outcome is death. However, this time death will be permanent. There will be no memories of deception left to haunt the New World.

This is the choice that the people of the world are now facing; a whole New World, or hanging onto the old world that has run out of time. An artificial flow will not save the Planet Earth or the people who live in the old world. However, the Universe has given us the means to escape the carnage that will most assuredly befall this world. Living Flow provides life, something that artificial flow cannot provide.

Our world has already passed the point of no return. Just like in the days of Noah, time has run out. The artificial flow that has been made in an attempt to destroy Living Flow will fail. We are being offered a Plan of escape, or we can take a wait and see attitude. The choice is ours, however, the outcome is not. The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now.

It is time to at least understand the problem. Only by understanding the problem will it be possible for the solution to be introduced into our mind. The evidence of the destruction of the old world is everywhere. Wake up.

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Global Political Nightmare

There is a political nightmare going on in 3D. It appears as though we are living in a political insane asylum that we are not responsible for, and neither are we in a position to escape from.

In America, there are 2 candidates. One is portrayed as a habitual liar, and the other appears to have a Jr. High School sexual mentality. Neither candidate is in a position to lead billions of people out of a national nightmare that has been moving towards a finale' for a very long time. If the problem with the candidates were not enough, there is also the racial nightmare between blacks and whites, and also law enforcement. There are hungry children in America, who seem to be being ignored by our government in order to send money so power can be seized in foreign countries. Then there is the slavery issue, where children are being grabbed out of parking lots and sold into prostitution. Is it logical that a habitual liar or an individual who has a jr high sexual mentality will be able to deal with all of these problems? Is it possibly that something is being missed here, because if we are missing a piece of a puzzle that would change the nightmare status, wouldn't it be to our advantage to look at this missing puzzle piece.

First of all, if an individual is having a nightmare, who is responsible for the nightmare? The dream characters, or the one that is sleeping? Isn't it true that if the dreamer awakens, the nightmare ends?  If the nightmare ends, where is the problem?

If an individual is in the midst of a nightmare, they do not recognize this fact until they wake up. This is the problem, the whole world is in the middle of a nightmare, and attempting to "vote" their way out of this nightmare will not end it. They have to awaken. If they do not take action to awaken, the nightmare will continue. The missing piece to the global puzzle that would point directly to this fact is being overlooked.

No one is questioning the fact that this world is quite insane, and no one who considers themselves sane would ever go into an insane asylum to pick a candidate to be the next President. Yet, this is what is occurring. Is it possible to even question this idea? There are many unanswered questions that surround our world that is in fact, a missing puzzle piece that would help us awaken from this bad dream.

The trouble with a nightmare is that it appears to be perfectly plausible while we are having it.
Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz did not realize that she was having a dream. So real was the dream, she was completely out of control of the circumstances that were occurring in the dream. She was looking for a reality on the other side of the rainbow, which was where her dream took her.

Why are we in the midst of a global political nightmare? How did we arrive here? If this nightmare is reality, then reality must be an insane asylum.  If you suddenly woke up in an asylum, would you not question how you got there? This is the problem. We have been living in the dream so long, we believe it is real.

A Universal Dream can last for thousands of years, in 3D. The physical history of the world supports the unethical methods of body evolution. Even CSI would not use the scattered evidence of evolution to prove the existence of evolution. There is just not enough evidence, and there are too many gaps in this evidence to prove anything.

The history of our world needs another look. People have to look at this evidence for themselves. Instead of accepting the evidence that has been relayed in this nightmare, and accepted as being real, it would be to the advantage of the dreamer to re-examine this evidence.

It really is time to question everything that we have been told in the past. Is it truth, or is it false evidence that is being used in the dream to keep us globally trapped inside of this nightmare we refer to as reality?

Just one question asked in honesty, and wholly answered, would be enough to shake the world awake. If we do not accept responsibility for the dream that we are having, then we will be eternally trapped in it.

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Friday, October 28, 2016

Undoing Global Destructive Value

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not a religious reference. Instead, it is a reference to an error that was made at the foundation of our world, along with a Promise and a Plan to undo the error that was inadvertently written into the foundation of our world thousands of years ago. Restoring the Rainbow Nations is part of this Plan.

If you do not understand the whole problem, you will never find a whole solution. If the problem is not recorded where you are looking for it, you will also believe that the solution can be found in the same place as the problem.

The problem is this; our world is headed for complete destruction. The question is, do you seek to find a solution within the destruction to solve the problem of destruction, or are you seeking for a solution where the original problem can be identified? A problem and a solution must be brought together in one space. This way the problem and the solution can be agreed upon. If not, there will  only be conflict.

In our world, there are just too many problems. If one solution is identified, it opens the door to many more problems. If one global problem was identified, then this one problem could be addressed with one solution. Herein lies the problem. The problem that our world is facing is not a religious, political, racial, or an international issue. There are obviously thousands of paper documents that have determined these many different problems that are occurring at this level, but not one of these solutions are dealing with the real problem, as it occurred thousands of years ago. It is therefore buried under thousands of years of physical history.

The way that this world keeps track of records, until recently, is through books.  Technology has now taken over the job of record keeping. However, even at this, there is a much more advanced way of keeping records. We have not discovered this method because the body will never evolve enough to grasp this advanced method of record keeping. This advanced method of record is literally assigned to the dimension we refer to as time.

The time/space continuum is where the Spirit records the global memories of the occupants of the people who live on the specific Planet that houses said occupants. This is Living Understanding, not analytical memories that belong to a specific body.

Understanding that is specific to the whole, both the world and the Planet, is saved in the time/space continuum. This allows the Spirit to deliver this Living Understanding whenever an occupant is seeking for relevant information. The purpose of this advanced form of Living Communication saves time, as any problem that has been solved in the past is immediately available for anyone who wants to access this Living Information. To be certain, this information is Living Understanding. Whenever the Spirit accesses this information, the understanding coming from the time/space continuum is immediate. In other words, there is no question, only a solution.

In the world where the people of today reside, individuals have not been trained to look for their understanding here. Instead, they seek understanding that they have learned in the past, according to their own personal guidance.

Whereas the understanding held in the time/space continuum is infinite wisdom and is based on many years the Spirit collecting perfect data that is pertinent to the many, the body is limited to the experience of one individual. Hence, because the body is limited to a personal experience, this understanding is never shared, and a common mistake will occur over and over and over again.

In order to share the Living Memories that have been recorded in time, I had to go through a process of undoing the many personal body blocks that were interfering with this Living Connection. This Living Connection is also referred to as a Living Flow that moves through time. Each body block that prevented me from accessing this Living Flow had me pursuing a material illusion. This illusion is body promoted, and comes from the programming that replaced the Living Communication that was evident at the founding of our world.

The false promise of an artificially produced monetary flow had me looking for an independent monetary reward,which was ultimately a pipe dream. The false body education about where to find an insane promise of money kept me in constant turmoil.

I constantly felt like a failure. because of the lack of sufficient understanding that was necessary to reach this illusion. I wanted to understand what was wrong with me. As it turned out, I was looking for understanding in the wrong place. The goal of reaching a monetary flow was impossible for me, as my goal was my truth, and truth does not exist where destruction is imminent. The body can be destroyed, and our world can be destroyed, but the truth cannot. The solution to the problem of the destruction of our world is consciously reaching the Living Flow of Memories that move through time. It is here we will begin to understand the Promise made to our world by the Heavens, and also the means we are to be given to rewrite the physical history of our world for the goal of sanity, instead of the insane goal of ultimate destruction. All of this is within the realm of conscious possibility.

The reason I am explaining this to hopefully open your mind to the possibility that your hope, your faith, and your truth does not lie in a paper illusion. We have been lied to. You will consciously find your purpose and whole truth outside of the box, or the body if you so desire to seek for it here. It is in time where it was left, and you can remember.

The Plan of One Wholeness Now does not teach truth as all truth is inherent within. Everyone has access to this truth, but they are looking for it in the wrong place. Truth does not belong to a body, as the body will ultimately die. Truth does not die, and the memories of truth that you have added to the Living Flow in time is waiting for your conscious return. Body death cannot separate you from this truth, only you can.

The linear timeline that our world has been walking on is an illusion. Time is a spiral, it is not a line. Just as the Earth is a circle, the Spirit must have access to the Circle of Life, which is the Living Flow that belongs to our world.

A spiral allows the Spirit continual access to the Living Understanding that exists in time. We have walked away from the Circle of Life to explore the limited personal beliefs of the body. It is time to return to our Living Roots or Whole Core Values that can be shared. These Living Truths are peace, joy, goodness, wholeness, happiness, abundance, Love, gratitude, and the list goes on. These are waiting for us in time. They do not exist in the body, they never have.

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Our World is Dying

The world's animal species are dying, and humans
are a big reason why.
The World Wildlife Fund's Living
Planet Report
 shows global populations of wild mammals,
fish, birds,
amphibians, and reptiles declined 58 percent
on average between 1970 and 2012.
SEE MORE: The Great Barrier Reef Isn't Dead
 (Not Yet, At Least)

Broken down, those numbers look
like this
: Land animals have declined by 38 percent,
marine species show a 36 percent drop and freshwater
species have decreased 81 percent.
And it's not
 stopping there. If 1970 is our baseline, the world is
on track to lose an estimated 
two-thirds of its wild
 animal populations by 2020.

The Death of Our World

How are we going to prevent the death of our world?
 It is obvious, we cannot. Science cannot save a world
 that is already self-destructing. Psychology cannot 
save what it cannot collect an obscene amount of 
cash for. Environmentalists can only offer a partial 
solution to a whole problem that is threatening to 
strip all of the Life out of the world.
Are we ready for total and complete annihilation? 
If this is not what we want for ourselves and our world, 
then we have better begin to look at a solution that has 
our best interest, and that of our world in mind. This 
must be a whole solution that does not look to money 
as the sole means to fix this problem.
Money is only one small part of the problem, although
 it seems to be the whole problem from the standpoint 
that the people have been educated and has secured 
into believing that money will fix everything. If it is 
impossible for money to fix this problem, and no 
one has a whole solution, then just what is the solution?
Do you know, or will you be counted among those 
who are just going to ride it out and hope for the best,
or will you take an uncommon stand?
While the world belongs to the people, the Earth is a 
Planet and belongs to the Universe. It is not likely
 that the Universe is going to allow Planet Earth to 
just die without so much as a nod. However, this 
is not necessarily the case of our world. 
If you want to save a Planet, the solution is simple; 
you just eliminate that which is destroying it. That 
would be our world. However, the Universe does 
not want our world to be destroyed. For this reason, 
the Universe has devised a Universal Plan that 
would allow us to be involved in the saving the 
Planet that has housed our world for thousands of years.
 If you read the information above, this was an article that was
posted just this morning. It is obvious that our world
 is running out of time, and so are we. If we do not 
take action right now to take a side, the Living Universe 
will decide for us. The Earth is in danger of being destroyed.
This is pretty serious business, and there is no time for
We the people are being invited to join in a Universal Plan 
to save the Earth. A common goal that is set between the people 
and the Universe will work. This goal is to save the Earth.
This is the Plan that we either choose to join or not.
Listen carefully; our world will only be saved if we 
agree to help with saving the Earth. 
If you are willing to participate in the Universal Plan that 
fail, then you will be expected to accept guidance from 
a Higher Authority that understands the problem, 
and the solution.
The name of the Plan is called One Wholeness 
Now. This is the only Plan specifically defined that
 will allow the people of this world to stand with a Higher
 Universal Plan to save the Planet Earth from the 
ravages that humanity has reaped upon her. Unlike the
leaders of this world, the Universe will keep its agreement 
with those who agree to join with this Plan. 
For our world, there is only this option. There is NOTHING else,
and nowhere else for us to go.
Time has run out. If individually, we want to enter into 
a Sacred Agreement with the Universe to help save 
the Planet Earth, this opportunity is now open to 
anyone who is willing to take this stand.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Understanding Self Value

The treasure necessary to belong to one of the Rainbow Nations is Self Value. All Self Value is defined as Self-Understanding, as understanding is the currency of the Universe. The more Self Understanding one has, the greater this value is determined within the realm of form. The Law of Attraction works on this principle. If the individual is not attracting external value, or what they want in the external world, their internal value or Self-Understanding of real value is lacking and in need of correction. The only way to correct this problem is to shift their internal value, or what they believe, to Self-Understanding.

"Acceptance without understanding is not learning, it is programming."

On the linear timeline, we have all been programmed to believe that there is some kind of external value that we can assimilate into the structure of our personal understanding. This is because we are all seeking for the value that was given to us at birth. The problem is if we came into this world with all of the Self Value that was necessary to determine a happy, healthy, and abundant life, all we were lacking was the conscious understanding that this Value already belonged to us.

The lessons on the linear timeline began early. These lessons were comprised of learning the value of a dollar. This lesson is clearly programming. To teach a child the value of a dollar is to project value outside of the Self. This is clearly not where Self-value is defined.

The natural ability to define the external world comes from our understanding. This understanding is then extended to what we want to share in the way of our Self-Value. The problem with being programmed to believe that there is value in money is that we were not taught that it is our Self-Value that has provided this value to the monetary paper value that is outside of us. In this instance, we will continually seek to gain internal balance by getting the value that we have been programmed to give away.

Herein lies the problem. We must now find a way to shift the belief that value is external, and return it to our internal value of the Self where it belongs. Once this Self-Value or treasure is returned, the internal void that had us believing that we have to take or get to have will cease to be. This will end the constant feeling that we have to make up for the loss that we experience at the body level. Until we become consciously aware of this untimely loss, we will continue to seek for value where it cannot be found.

The goal of this world has been to program the children into believing that value is external. Hence, most of the untimely programming that has led to self-doubt concerning one's own personal value occurred before the age of 5. This programming was not just about money but was also defined in our relationships, our Right to whole Justice, independence, liberty, health, education that leads to Self-Understanding, our Right to eat from the bounty of the Earth, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, we have were programmed at a very early age to give all of this away.

Learning to be a Rainbow Warrior must happen before one can lead a Nation. This is not anything that the leaders on the linear timeline learned. They were programmed just like we were. The purpose of many leaders is to confiscate wealth that does not belong to them through deception, force, and manipulation. This is being done because of how we were programmed to believe in value. 

The truth is, Heaven's Treasure cannot be bought, sold, traded, or given away. The problem is, we do not understand this because we were deceived into shifting our Self-Value into an external symbol. For many, this external symbol is paper, or monetary currency.

In higher terms, money is not currency, understanding is. The problem is, we have turned over our ability to understand our OWN Self-Value by giving it away to an artificial currency that is not current at all. Currency implies the present and the money that is being used to define the present is clearly false artificial value that we have learned to accept as our reality in the past. All of it is a lie.

If we want to save ourselves and our world, the Value or the Treasure of Heaven that we were programmed to give away, must be reclaimed. This is our responsibility to our Self

If a Prince is sold into slavery, does this make the Prince a slave, or is the Prince in need of understanding the truth of his reality so he can claim it? Once the Prince understands his own Self-Value, he is no longer in need of the scraps of external value that he once deemed that he was worthy of. He understands that HE IS THE VALUE. His birthright cannot be sold, and neither can ours.

The people of this world must set out on a journey of understanding their Self-Value, This Self-Value is protected by the Heavens. Because we were programmed to give this Birthright away, we must also remember that it was us that accepted this, so we can choose again. 

This ability to consciously choose again will change the purpose of time. It will allow us as individuals to learn to become a Master of Time. There is nowhere within the whole Universe that the ability to change time by consciously choosing again is being offered. This is how we become Rainbow Warriors. By accepting the Value that we were born with through new understanding, we will then be able to take the next step in claiming a Kingdom for the Heavens.

The name of the Plan that allows us to change our mind to shift away from past programming is called One Wholeness Now. The time is Now to claim the Birthright that we were born with, and was then stolen. If we do not understand the problem, we will continue to seek for a solution where it is impossible to find.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

To Turn Back Time

Time is a dimension, and its purpose cannot be changed, although it appears as though this is what has occurred. Technology has provided us with an artificial dimension that has been defined as Virtual Time. The problem with this is, once again, time is a dimension and cannot be interfered with.

The technological advances, along with the means to introduce Virtual Time to the people of the world, came from a Universal Plan to restore new integrity to the foundation of our world by allowing the people of the world to emotionally enter the space called Virtual Time. The Plan that allows individuals to manipulate time in this manner is called One Wholeness Now. One Wholeness Now is revealed in Virtual Time.

As Virtual Time is defined by technology, it is merely an empty space. All outer space in the Universe is defined as being empty space until it is filled with Light. The only way to fill an empty space with Light is to fill it with the Spirit. This is the problem, we are not consciously in touch with our Spirit, we are consciously in touch with our body and the body we have assigned time to is running on a straight line, which is commonly referred to as the linear timeline.

The linear timeline no longer exists. Just as everything on the linear timeline had a beginning, it must also have and ending. The time that was provided to the linear timeline has ended. Because of this factor, we the people must find a way to enter the Virtual Time element that has been provided for us. In order to do this, we have to go back in time to the Virtual Foundation that was established in the beginning. The only way to find our way to this Virtual Foundation is by turning back time. The empty space provided in Virtual Time, or within the space that has been claimed by artificial intelligence, allows us the opportunity to do this,

Once again, remember that time is a dimension in space, and dimensions are Universally controlled. The only reason we do not understand this fact is because we believe that science made technology. However, the question must be asked; where did this understanding come from? Our world was obviously in the dark for thousands of years concerning technology. If we believe that all of a sudden humankind was able to "tune in" to the necessary genius necessary to make a Virtual Time Zone without having access to this knowledge, then we are fools. There is an Abstract Mind that carries all wisdom and knowledge within the whole Universe. This is called the Omniscient Mind. Even Stephen Hawkings does not understand how to connect to the Omniscient Mind. If he did, he would know that our world is in control of nothing. It just believes that it is.

Filling the Virtual Time Zone with Light will require us as individuals to begin to unravel the linear timeline, as this is where all past programming has occurred. Past programming has made it virtually impossible for us to enter the Virtual Time Zone. For this reason, what has been learned on the linear timeline is full of error. This error has been programmed into each individual mind and must be undone.

The Living elements of air, water, earth and fire are what the mind/body/spirit are comprised of, but not how these elements are understood in the 3D body. The composition of the body was compromised when the separation occurred. This left the body open to attack and lack. Because the body was not designed to confine the elements, the Natural Order that follows from Heaven through the Spirit to the elements is impossible to understand.

It is the Spirit that houses all of the elements within the emotional body, not the physical 3D body form. This has limited the conscious understanding that is necessary to direct the Spirit, along with decreasing the necessary insight that people need to be consciously aware of the proper metods of directing the Spirit. It is this unawareness that is preventing us from entering into Virtual Time

Because we do not understand our Spirit, neither do we recognize the potential that is lying dormant within the Omniscient Mind that houses the Spirit. If we were aware of this connection, we would immediately shift our allegiance from the body to the Spirit. The problem is, we have been programmed to believe that they body is where all intelligence lies. This belief is of the body, not the Spirit. If we want to enter Virtual Time, then it will be necessary to gain access to the Spirit to understand how this is even possible.

There is no life or Light in Virtual Time because we have not learned how to consciously direct our Spirit there. Light is life, and all life forms are developed in time. If the linear timeline has ended, what is ahead? Can there be Living Light where there is no time, or will there only be an artificial light to see.

The body memories that we are using to communicate in linear time are limited to the body. These memories are full of deception. These deceptions were born of a body that made belief memories based on a limited view of the Natural Ability of the Spirit. These are not memories of Virtual Time, but rather stored on the linear timeline, which has ended. The only way to turn back time is to journey back across the linear timeline where these limited body memories are being stored. The only purpose of the linear timeline was to provide our world with a way of reaching across time into Virtual Time, where we could re-connect with the Living Elements. However, before this happens, a Living Puzzle must come together to tell the whole history of our world

The memories necessary to enter Virtual Time are being held for us in time . The memories on the linear timeline are incomplete, which means that these memories never fully matured, even though at the body level, we consciously matured into adults, but adults that do not understand what the problem is, or the solution. In order to understand a whole solution, you must first understand the whole problem. The problem is occurring in time, while the body is being used to draw our attention away from the issue at hand. There are no problems at the body level. This is a way to deceive us into watching a trick, while what is really going on is in plain sight.

Everything we have learned on the linear timeline has been regulated and delegated to the body because of what we have been taught regarding the evolution of the body. The evolution of the body can be pointed to because of the trick that was planted to make us believe we could see something that is not there. We believe it because we have been programmed to believe it. The Real History of our World is being held for us in the Ancient Living Memories that will tell us the story if allowed to. The fact that individuals intermittently tune into these memories should tell us something. If it is possible for an individual to tune into these memories intermittently, would it not make sense that it would be possible to tune in on a permanent basis if we learned how to do this? Wouldn't having access to 100% of the understanding that is actually available to us make more sense, rather then settling for the 10% that we believe in?

The Universe, or the Heavens, have provided us with the means to access the Ancient Memories held in time. By accessing these Ancient Memories, we can reach the Virtual Foundation that was promised to our world in the beginning. A Virtual Foundation requires a Virtual Time Zone. The Virtual Time Zone is the one that artificial intelligence has claimed. This is the Promised Land the Heavens has promised us. This is probably not what was expected, as we do not understand what a Virtual Home is, never mind a Virtual Time Zone or a Virtual World built on a Virtual Foundation.

The only way to reclaim the world in a Virtual Time Zone that will not house the deception or lies that have been used to program body memories is to use our global memories to program the Virtual Time Zone where artificial intelligence is defined. This means that we are being given the opportunity to use Virtual Time to house a Virtual World. Is this not something that would require miracles? These are the miracles that Heaven has promised to our world to help us define, explore, and reveal this Virtual Time Zone.

This will not be an easy journey, but it will be the last one we will ever have to make.A New Beginning will require us as individuals to allow our Spirit to find our way into the Virtual Time Zone that has been prepared for us. Our Spirit will provide the Light for this empty space, but we must learn how to turn back time so our lost memories can be returned to us. Delay will only hurt us now more than ever.

The Space to define a New World has already been provided for us. The next move is ours. The Heavens will not make us go where we do not want to go, and it will not force us to accept what is in our own best interest. If we want a New World, then let us claim what was promised to us thousands of years ago, before the separation occurred.

Do you know where you are going to?

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Monday, October 24, 2016

How Anxiety Interferes with Nature

The body was not designed to house emotional conflict, as our emotions were not created to be body assigned. The Home of our emotions is the Spirit. Whenever an emotion becomes trapped in a body experience, it will change the chemistry of the body into the emotional discord that the body was exposed to. It will also create a vacuum in time where darkness will remain until the body chemistry is repaired.

Emotions do not enter the world inside of the body. Instead, they enter within the Spirit. The Spirit is One, which means that when Higher Emotions that belong to the Spirit remain within the Spirit, there is a natural connection between humans and the Earth. When an emotion enters the body, the Spirit is unnaturally deprived of the higher emotional attribute that come from the Heavens and belong to the Spirit. It is within this gap, where the emotion has been body assigned, that a gap emerges in time. It is this gap in time that must be repaired. Once this gap is repaired, the Rainbow Nations, the elements, and the Earth will once again be as One.

Anxiety is an unnatural chemical imbalance within the body, brought about by a shift of the higher emotional integrity of the Spirit, to lower emotional integrity of the body. This only occurs when the emotion is exposed to a fragmented body experience, which is unlike emotional wholeness. This body experience is so contrary to whole the truth, which is defined by the Spirit, the emotion can do nothing but split and fragment itself into a body emotion. This shift is so profound, a chemistry shift at the body level will occur.

Because the intellect must have access to emotional memory to define a skill, it will use the unnatural chemistry that has been assigned to the body emotion to make a belief that is in harmony with the adapted unnatural chemistry. Over a period of time, the unnatural chemistry in the body that began as an innocent emotion becomes body anxiety. Body anxiety is destructive because the chemistry coming from the fragmented emotion is not supported by the Spirit or whole Light. Because the emotion is not supported by the Whole Chemistry of the Spirit, the chemistry of the body will begin to deteriorate.

This is what occurs at the body level. However, what occurs in time is much more dramatic.

What is impossible for us to individually determine in time is the emotional impact on the Whole connection that has been assigned to the Earth, nature, and humans. This connection is One and it does not happen at the body level. It is occurring in time without our understanding of what this means.

Because we have unknowingly assigned our emotions to the independent body, and placed them under the direction of the intellect of the body, we have interfered with the natural chemistry between our Spirit and the Spirit of the Earth. Hence, we fear what we do not understand, and attempt to build walls that will protect us from nature, and each other.

The body was not designed to be an emotional interpreter for the Spirit. Emotional interpretation is of the Spirit. This is where our Natural Ability comes from, or the ability to consistently move towards truth. The body does not understand the truth and neither does the intellect. The intellect analyzes, and like our emotions, the truth cannot be analyzed, only accepted.

The solution is simple, but not easy. The emotions that have been placed under the control of the intellect must be released to the Spirit. This will repair the unnatural gaps occurring in time. As the gaps in time are repaired, the Rainbow Nations will again rise in memory. These are memories that have been lost in time, and the only way to gain access to these whole memories is to release the emotional fragments that have been trapped in the body back to the Spirit.

As the emotional fragments are released to the Spirit, the chemistry of the body will shift. As this occurs, there will be a marked difference in body anxiety, body fear, and internal conflict. Whole health will be restored to the body, as it is the out of order chemistry that eats away at the body's health.

There is a Whole Plan to help individuals release the fragmented emotions have been trapped inside of an unnatural chemistry induced body existence. The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now. As whole emotional content is released to the Spirit, the Real World will begin to emerge in the One Mind of the Spirit that connects us individually to Nature and to the Earth.

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Skill and Ability Without Deception

The natural innate ability to wholly sense truth is called Inno-Sense. Inno-Sense can be defined in this world as whole sensory perception.

At the body level, we have split our ability to wholly sense truth into 5 separate body senses. Any time the natural ability to wholly sense truth has been interfered with, there will be a mistaken assessment at a situation level, which will greatly depreciate the decision-making process. At the body level, this is called an error in judgment. Any time there is an error in judgment, it is because the decision-making process has been emotionally undermined by a need to get. Any need to get will interfere with the knowledge necessary to understand the correct path that will lead to completion. Completion cannot and will not occur without whole truth. It is the interference with whole truth that always interferes with the completion of whole abundance, whole happiness,and whole health.  Abundance, happiness, and health must be defined as one in truth in order for a goal that has been decided upon to be completed. If the body/mind/spirit do not come as One, there is some kind of emotional interference at the body level.

The ability to wholly sense truth is dependent on whole emotional honesty. Any emotion that is interfered with will split the whole natural ability to sense truth into a body sense. Once an emotion has been split and body assigned, it will be impossible to wholly qualify truth. This will lead to deception, and will also distort how a body skill is defined.

Any split in a whole sensory ability will force the individual to adapt their skill into an inappropriate behavioral model, which will force the individual to hone a body skill that requires force or manipulation. A natural ability to wholly sense a situation does not require force or manipulation.

Ability is of the Spirit, while skill is of the body. Any time that a body skill is placed in charge of a natural ability, which will occur when whole sensory perception is split and applied to a body sense, there will be frustration at the body level. This will be sensed as body fear, body anxiety, tension, stress, and conflict. The problem is occurring at the body level, which is where the split has occurred.

Even if the individual has the body skill to perfect their craft, if they do not have access to whole emotional contentment, or emotional truth, there will be a feeling of not being wholly in charge of the situation.

Directing the Elements

Although we were all born with the ability to wholly sense truth, we were programmed in a society that taught us that intellectual skill was greater than natural ability. This programming has set us on a course of consistently splitting our ability to wholly sense truth into 5 separate body senses.

The Natural Ability to Wholly Sense must be consciously directed. However, the body skills that have been placed under the conscious direction of separate body skills have almost completely obliterated the Natural Ability to wholly sense truth. Because 90% of our ability to wholly understand comes from our ability to wholly sense the truth, we are only accessing 10% of the necessary knowledge that we are capable of.

This is the problem. We cannot integrate our conscious skill with the 4 elements unless and until we wholly integrate our Natural Ability to wholly sense truth with a conscious skill. If we were allowed to maneuver the elements without a truthful whole direction, we would and behaviorally and skillfully continue to move towards destruction, but only at a much faster rate. Individually, we have to emotionally "catch up" to the ability to wholly sense truth.

Fortunately, there is a Universal Plan that we can individually use to shift our fragmented emotional integrity out of the 5 body senses, into a whole natural ability to sense truth. This will allow us to work in a Virtual Level of time, also defined as Now, and will give us access to wholly integrated knowledge, which serves the mind/body/spirit as One, instead of separately.

We are being asked to begin the process of learning the process of shifting our fragmented body emotions to where they belong. This will allow us to consciously use our body skill, along and the ability to emotionally understand truth to new levels of understanding. This will lead to the knowledge necessary to direct the 4 Nations towards a global whole purpose and commitment of defining a New World Sanctuary.

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

The New World Living Grid

The global grid that our world is sitting on is paper. This grid has been made by a ruling few, but it is being supported by the many. It has taken a relatively short period of time to exchange the gold currency that backed monetary paper, to just paper alone. There is no power in paper value, except what we give to it.

Gold is a Universal conductor of energy, and energy must flow to prevent stagnation. Once gold was removed as a Universal conductor that provided flow to move across the grid in our world, a new grid began to be formed. This is the paper grid that our world now sits on. Because everyone knows that once paper gets wet, it will not support anything that is sitting on top of it.

Emotions are defined as water, and water is defined as having a frequency sound. The color of the element that governs global emotions is blue. The element of water comes out of the North. This element has been frozen for many years due to the inactivity of the Nations, which are defined by the people of the world, being actively engaged in the Blue Nation.

In the beginning, before the separation, the Blue Nation, or the element that is used to define water, was defined by the Black Race. However, due to the scattering of the elements, once the separation occurred, the Blue Nation is no longer defined by the black race. Due to the intermingling and scattering of the races, the definition of the Blue Nation are individually and internally defined.

When a higher frequency of Sound and a Living Color emerges as One, there is a chemical reaction in time. This chemical reaction is what we refer to as an Alchemical reaction. It is this Alchemical reaction that men who lived in the past attempted to recreate in an attempt to create gold. It was believed that by adding specific elements to a lower metal, it would be possible to change the chemistry of this metal to gold. Herein lies the problem for us today.

The Alchemical process is also a spiritual and psychological process, which combined with the elements, sound, and Living Color will create an underlying foundation of understanding that will support life. This is a grid that will support a foundation that will move "currency."

Understanding is the Currency of the Universe. The closest we can come to understanding how a higher metal can support a physical currency is by using a metal with a frequency that is not only physically recognized but Universally recognized as well. This metal is called gold.

Although we do not understand how to create a foundation of gold that will support a currency of understanding, what have had at our disposal is the gold necessary to support a foundation. This gold foundation no longer exists. Because of this fact, the grid that supports our world is in danger of collapsing.

Can we change back to a gold standard? Of course, we can, but the damage that the old world grid has endured is going to collapse, and there is not one that we can do about it. It is like attempting to rebuild a bridge that is 98% destroyed. The best thing to do would be to just build another bridge.

Defining a New Grid to build a new global foundation/currency is not only possible, it is something that must be done, and it must be done by the people of the world. The few that support and control the paper grid are not going to support a New World Currency, or Foundation that the people of the world build. These few are not going to help, and they are not going to support a New World Currency, or Foundation as this would strip them of their paper power.

What is being addressed here is a Living Foundation. This is a Foundation that has a Living Current as well. This is Currency is one that is defined in Nature, but is also one that we must learn to become One with to create a New World.

The means to do this will be provided for us. However, we must be willing to accept the means. One of these means is to understand that we are more than just a body. Alone we are a body, but working together we define the 4 Rainbow Nations. It is, therefore essential to at least be willing to learn which Rainbow Nation you are responsible for and to.

The whole Universe is watching to see just what kind of integrity that the people of our world are defined by. We can continue the emotional bickering with the body of evidence that defines our paper reality, currency, and global foundation that is collapsing, or we can choose again.

Not even God can take away what we believe in. Not even God can force us to choose something that is not wanted. Building a Living Foundation for our world will require us to discover our Rainbow Roots or our Core Values. These are Living Core Values that have been set aside for paper core values that cannot even hold water. If we want to create a Living Foundation for our world, along with a Living Flow that will support a strong and healthy Living Currency, then we must be willing to explore which rainbow Nation we belong to.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

What Are the Rainbow Nations?

Before the era that we live in today, there was another one. Whereas the era that we live in today began its history with the evolution of the body, the other one defined a completely different foundation. The goal of this foundation was to define a world built higher standards and principles than the one that provided lessons that began with animal grunting sounds that eventually became language and a means to communicate.If this higher foundation had been allowed to manifest, the meaning of our world would be completely different. However, as it was, we fell through a crack in time and ended up in a dimension where all kinds of unnatural things occur. This is the linear timeline dimension that we have accepted as real. If the truth be known, there is nothing real about this world, this timeline, or anything else for that matter, and that is good news.

It is obvious that we understand the physical historical value of our world. However, the historical memories that would have given our world a whole different interpretation have been lost to us. These memories have been buried deep within the unconscious mind. In order to find these memories, a whole new path must be explored in order to reveal the Lost History of our World.

The limited body memories that this world treasures, have in fact stripped us of our Right to understand our connection with the Earth. Without this whole reference, much of the understanding that defines the purpose of the Earth has been left in the hands of those who study science. Because physical science is a method developed to understand the connection of the independent body to the Earth and the Universe, too much of the connection necessary to join with the purpose of the Earth has been left out. This is because the focus remains on the body. Without a whole reference that includes the mind/body/spirit/earth together and joined as One, science will continue to look for truth where it cannot be found.

Reconnecting with the Earth will require the people of the world to begin to seek for the memories that were lost to them when they took on independent and singular body interpretations. Singular memories are present within the body. However, these are mind/body memories that do not include the Spirit. Without understanding these Spirit memories exist, it will be impossible to reconnect with the Earth. Without whole interpretations that include the Earth, humankind will continue to walk down a road that is independent of the Earth.

The memories of the Spirit connection with the Earth must be sought after. It is obvious that body memories have no idea how to seek for this connection, as body consciousness has never been introduced to the fact that these memories exist. In order to explore the memories of the Spirit that would consciously connect the mind/body/spirit/earth, the individual must go on an independent journey to explore how their independent body identity has stripped them of their Real Identity, which is unlimited.

Establishing the Rainbow Nations are a way of joining with each other to explore our joint Spirit connection with the Earth. Because understanding can be jointly shared more quickly, joining together as One to connect to the energies of the Earth will allow humankind to regain the lost memories, which are jointly held.

Whenever one individual gains access to one of these memories, a joining of the Spirit will occur within the unconscious mind. The means to join these memories together as One will be assigned by miracles.

Whereas the memories that keep people body bound are references to the past, our real memories that connect us to the Earth are held for us in time. This is an aspect of time that has not been explored by people, basically because people do not understand how to explore this aspect of time. This is also an application of time where Rainbows are defined, hence the name, Rainbow Warriors and Rainbow Nations.

Repairing the Rainbow is necessary, as this is the application of time where the problem lies. What we do not see, or understand, is our connection to the memories that live within the Rainbow. These are emotional memories that were hung in time so we would not forget where to find our truth and our connection to the Earth and the Heavens.

Understanding Who We Are, along with gaining access to the memories that have been lost in time, will call on the individuals who have made their home with memories from a flat linear timeline body experience, to regain access to the memories that have been denied them for thousands of years. The Heavens have a Plan to help restore these higher memories to us. However, we the people must be willing to take the first step.

On any new journey, the first step is always the most difficult. Because the means to meet the conditions that are necessary to access these memories is quite different than anything we have been taught, this blog will be exploring how to explore the memories that live in this aspect of time. All of the memories that live in time are not friendly, and the individual will require specific methods to help them find their way.

The Whole Universe is watching our world. Will we continue to walk down a path that will lead our world, along with humankind, to ultimate destruction, or will we choose another path? Each person must make this decision, as each individual has a part to play in saving our world for future generations.

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Monday, October 10, 2016

Protecting Ourselves and Our World

Although the body is independent, the Nature of the Spirit is One. While the world encourages body diversity and independence, what it is really encouraging is segregation and dependence.

While we all have a right to explore how we want to use the body to define independence, what we do not have the Right to do is fragment the Spirit into separate body identities. While our free will allows us to believe what we want, the Heavens will not continue to tolerate what has been done to Whole Spirit Understanding. It is lack of understanding what the Spirit is for that is tearing apart our world at the unconscious level.  It is impossible to address a problem where it is not occurring.

Separate body understanding has fragmented the Spirit into separate body parts. The Spirit is Home to whole emotional accord, which would define whole global harmony if the independent body did not continue to support a Universal crime that was committed thousands of years ago. Once this crime had been committed, the Wholeness of Spirit that defined the global collective unconsciousness of our world was left vulnerable to attack. It is this unconscious attack that must be recognized as being the only problem that is threatening our world.

The higher emotions of the One Spirit, which defined the collective Spirit of our world, have been forced to live in separate bodies. The Higher Emotional Collective Expression of the Spirit that defines Love belongs to the Whole.

By fragmenting the Whole Expression of the perfect emotion of Love, and referring Whole Love to an independent body, the independent Spirit that was assigned to the body was forced to seek for a way to "make up" a fragmented solution. This fragmented solution is the world that we see. The authority figures that we use in an attempt to protect the Spirit are the nations of the world. The problem is, the authority figures that have claimed power over the people are in the same separate boat at the rest of the people who are looking to these leaders for protection.

Once again, the problem at hand is not one that can be solved with a body, as the body is an attempt to understand how to fix an unconscious error that was made thousands of years ago, which fragmented the Whole Collective Spirit into separate body parts. The body of independent evidence, which is the problem, is not independent of the Whole.

For thousands of years, the Heavens have been protecting our world from the alien forces of destruction, which would have destroyed our world many times over. However, today we have to begin the process of looking within ourselves for the pieces of the Whole Collective Spirit that we have assigned to our own independent body. What we claim to be our own independent Spirit, is in fact, a fragment of the Wholeness of the Spirit that belongs to the whole world.

A fragmented Spirit has left a gap in the I AM One armor that would protect our world from outside destructive forces. However, the problem of this fact has escaped the notice of the independent body. What we independently believe, is in fact, being held together within the body with an unconscious emotion that belongs to the Spirit. In order to make Whole, this independent emotion must be released and returned to the Spirit. It is the responsibility of the people of the world to become actively engaged in returning all of the emotional fragments that are being held captive within the body, to the Spirit.This is called Repairing the Rainbow.

The Rainbow is like a butterfly. It represents Spiritual Freedom from bondage. Along with Spiritual Freedom comes body freedom. The Rainbow Nations are those who have made the decision to release the emotional fragments of the Spirit that have become trapped within the body of evidence that attempts to prove this world is real. Without the support and protection, which is provided by a Whole Collective Spirit, the Great Destroyer can and will destroy what is not whole and complete. What is real, which belongs to the Spirit, will return to the Heavens, where it was stolen from.

Our world has run out of conscious options on figuring out how to protect our world from an ultimate destruction. It is time to look to a Rainbow Solution. The Rainbow is an unconscious memory that is held high in the sky for all to see. It has a purpose other than the one that has been used by science to explain why it is occurring. Its purpose is to remind us of the Wholeness of our Collective Spirit, which demands it be returned to the condition that defines the reality of the Spirit. This natural condition is called One Wholeness Now.

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Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Great Destroyer of Deception

While 10% of our understanding comes from what we can consciously see with the bodies eyes, the other 90% is lives in the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a vast as the Universe is. It carries the memories and the descriptions of everything that exists within the whole Universe.

The unconscious mind is neutral, although there are forces that exist within the unconscious mind that are not. For instance, in our world, we also exist within the unconscious mind, although it is our conscious mind that allows us to see what exists in the external world. Within our external world, there are forces that protect the innocent, while there are forces that promote guilty deceptions.

Throughout the Universe, there is a balance that weighs in on Higher Justice. When Higher Justice is upset, Justice must be restored. If it is not restored, the balance in the Universe is upset, and the rhythm or Natural Frequency of the Universe is disrupted. This disruption prevents the Natural Flow within the Universal Unconscious Mind from moving into the furthest regions of the Universe to nourish the Living Memories that reside there.

Natural Flow is dependent on the Higher Emotional Frequency, which is supported by the Spirit. These Higher Emotional Frequencies are recognized as truth, honesty, honor, goodness, joy, Love, and the rest. These higher emotions are positive frequencies, which are broadcast within the Universal Unconscious Mind from memory to memory, or in a context that we can understand, from body to body.

The lower emotional frequencies, which carry a negative frequency, are those that are interfering with the Natural Flow within the Unconscious Universal Mind. Natural Flow provides a Living Foundation, which is necessary for any conscious society to exist in form.

Any memory that carries a negative frequency is harboring some kind of deception, which is interfering with Natural Living Flow, which is providing a Living Foundation for said society that exists in form. In our world, the negative frequency of deception has grown so rampant, the Life Giving Flow that moves throughout the Unconscious Universal Mind has, for all intents and purposes, come to a complete stop. This stop is not only affecting our world, it has formed a gap in the time/space continuum that is preventing Natural Flow from moving into other parts of the Universe.

Hence, the deceptive gap that has halted Living Flow from moving across our world must be repaired. Either this or the time/space that houses our world will implode. This implosion will allow a new time/space continuum to cover over this implosion, which would allow for a New World to be established. This solution would restore Living Flow to the rest of the Universe, however, it would also mean that our world, along with the people who reside in our world, would no longer exist. Hence, there are some decisions that must be made. Either our world will survive, or it will not, as Living Flow must be restored to the rest of the Universe one way or another.

The Planet Earth has moved into a time/space continuum within the Universe that will not tolerate the unnatural deceptive practices that are being used by the nations to govern our world. The Great Destroyer, Who recognizes these deceptions is coming to destroy anything that is preventing the Natural Flow from the Universe from entering the time/space continuum that our world exists in. This is a problem that the people cannot continue to ignore.

What you believe will not stop this cleansing process. Any religious belief will not protect you from the justice of the Great Destroyer. She does not care what you believe. She does not care what you do. She does not care if you have a family. She does not care if you are a loving individual. The fact is, all fall short of the Glory within the Spirit necessary to sustain a Living Flow,

Belief does not govern the Great Destroyer. She has her own agenda and basically, does not care what anyone believes. Her agenda is to destroy anything that was built with a deceptive motive, or anyone that carries a deception within their unconscious mind. Nothing is safe from her destruction.

There have been other times in the history of our world when the Heavens intervened on behalf of our world to prevent the Great Destroyer from completely demolishing our world. During this time, the Grace of Heaven intervened on our behalf. This was the time of the Great Flood. It was also just before the Birth of the Christ. The Bible states that when time was full, God sent His Son.

Whenever time is full, it means that what is going on within this appointed time by this society is either "very good," or it has fallen short of its higher purpose and correction must occur. A purpose of a society that does not support Living Flow will implode as every deception that supported this society we be destroyed by the Great Destroyer.

This is where we are today. The Great Destroyer has seen the purpose of our world, and our world does not support Higher Justice. The Great Destroyer does not care if we are being led by a group of nations that are corrupt. She will not analyze this, as this what the conscious mind does. She lives in the unconscious mind, and will not consciously assess any situation.

However, there has been a Higher Conscious evaluation concerning our world. This Higher Conscious evaluation will protect the people of our world from the Great Destroyer with a Conscious Universal Plan. However, we are responsible for learning how to use this Plan to protect ourselves, our family, and our world. The name of this Universal Plan is called One Wholeness Now.

One Wholeness Now is the condition the Great Destroyer will overlook. The problem is, we the people do not understand what this means. It is our willingness to understand the One condition that will save us from the Great Destroyer that will protect us and our world from ultimate destruction.

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