Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Peter Pan Syndrome

In the beginning, there were many extraterrestrial beings that populated the Earth. Some these beings came from a Universally defined Royal Class. The Royal Class of Higher Beings were so determined because of their connection to the Universal Higher Mind. This connection gave Them Free Will, and it also gave them the ability to be a Co-Creator within the Universal Mind. 

The Royal Class of Beings looked for a perfect Planet to educate the Inno-Sense coming out of the Universal Mind. The Inno-Sense coming out of the Universal Mind were to learn how to use the Garden setting of the Planet Earth to explore and build whole conscious understanding.This would require Inno-Sense to wholly explore and wholly relate to everything within nature, which was provided by the Living Earth. The exploration of the Planet included learning to listen to the Sounds of the Earth while establishing a connection to all living things on the Planet Earth.

In higher realms of understanding, one must learn to wholly appreciate the Creative Ability within to share it. It is this whole appreciation that leads to a Living Flow of Higher Understanding. It is the Higher Understanding that is defined as a Living Currency or Living Flow that is provided by Higher Consciousness that is being learned. Once this Currency or higher understanding is wholly learned, this is called Omnipotent understanding.

Omnipotence carries the Higher Sound that is necessary for the Consciousness of many. This is a unified Living Sound that carries the Living Sound of Understanding, or the Currency of the Universe, towards completion.

After Omnipotent understanding or Currency enters the Spirit mind, there would be a shift in Inno-Sense towards a more creative endeavor. In this world, we call this we call this the coming of age. 
The coming of age occurs after adolescence, or when one has put away the things of youth and is ready to face the world. 

If one never grows up psychologically in this world, it is because they never put away the things of their youth. If they never put away the things of their youth, they remain a child in an adult body. In other words, they are stuck in the past. If they remain a child in an adult body, then the inner child has not found what they are looking for, or if they got their own way, it did not net them what they really wanted or what they expected it to be. 

It is this false expectation that keeps the inner child from finding what they really want. What they really want is to be happy. This is the problem that our world is facing today. The Inno-Sense that was supposed to follow the Higher Education that was being provided, chose to "do" something that would shift the foundation of the world we live in today. Because of this, our world never grew up. We are still acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. It is time to grow up and learn the rest of the lessons that are provided for the Spirit. These lessons were never intended for the body because the body is a limit.

In the beginning, the Inno-Sense of Spirit, which was forming a foundation of higher creative understanding for our world, attempted to skip the higher education that this understanding would have offered, and instead chose to cloth their Spirit with a body. By clothing their Spirit with a body, Inno-Sense would never grow up. Is this the Peter Pan syndrome or what? 

This error by Inno-Sense must be corrected if we want to enter into communion with the Omniscient Mind. Entering into communion would be understanding Omnipotence. Our world never entered into Omnipotence because it never learned to wholly appreciate the Omniscient Mind. This is because it clothed its Spirit with a body before it explored the Whole Science necessary to understand the Creative potential within the unlimited Spirit.

The Inno-Sense of the whole world continues to be trapped within the independent conscious body. It is our responsibility as the people who will become the Nations of the Rainbow to release this Inno-Sense so our Spirit can consciously complete the Higher Education planned in the beginning. Until the Inno-Sense of the collective Spirit is released, our world will never mature.
You would not allow a 3-year-old to direct your life, and yet this is going on in our world. There are 8 billion people in our world, and they are all being directed by an immature Spirit. Do you not believe this might be a problem?

The immature Spirit is hiding in an adult body and we cannot figure out the problem, so we go to a psychologist, or we go to an MD hoping they can fix what is wrong with the body. The body is not the problem, and until this is recognized, we will continue to struggle.

Why aren't we happy? Why aren't we abundant, and why are we limited? It is because we are hiding our Spirit in the body that we believe can save us. This is insane. The Spirit must be released so it can complete its education, and we can grow up.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Connecting to Living Flow

When our world began 6000 years ago, the connection to Living Flow was never established. This did not mean it was not there, as Living Flow provides for all of Nature on the Earth. It means that the people of that time period were not in a position to gain access to Living Flow. This was because the Natural Ability to access Living Flow had been revoked. Thousands of years would have to be spent by humans attempting to define a facsimili that would imitate Living Flow. Today this unnatural facsimili is called monetary flow.

Living Flow is a Natural Phenomenon that flows throught time. At the time our world began, the connection between humans and this natural phenomenon had been broken. Because of this, humans learned to devise, or "make up," what seemed to be a meaningful way to establish an individual limited flow that would mimic Living Flow. This would be a flow that would establish dominance and power through wealth to certain individuals or countries that learned from the lessons of evolution. These were lessons of survival, as well learning to develop a skill through trial and error. The limited flow that was through the evolution of the body was independent of the whole, which is necessary to establish
 Living Flow. Eventually the flow that established independent wealth would become a monster, threatening to first dominate, and then enslave the lives of the many. 

By assigning an independent flow, people were never recognized by their natural ability, but instead by an unnatural skill to manipulate. This was complimented by a body will to force other individuals to serve those who were made powerful through an unnatural skill to undermine the many.

This world has never adapted to the idea that integrity comes from a natural ability. Instead, independent skill has always dominated the methods used to define the unnatural flow that determined wealth. Those who used the Natural Ability of the people to build a City of integrity became prosperous and lasted for many years.  However, within time, skill has become the main focus for those who want to advance towards an independent system of wealth.

It is Natural Ability that establishes Oneness, and it is the Natural Ability within the connects the collective into Whole Core Values. It is Whole Core Values that establishes the connection to Living Flow. Without this conscious understanding, which comes from a Natural Ability, the necessary individual understanding to reach Living Flow would never be established.

Not understanding the Living Laws that serve Living Flow, there were those who attempted to attract monetary wealth with a limited understanding of the Law of Attraction. When this did not work it was believed that this Law was somehow faulty because it would only work for a few. This is clearly a misunderstanding of how Living Law works. Living Law works equally for everyone, as does Living Flow. When it appears that the Law is not working, it is because of a misunderstanding of the Living Law. Living Law must be wholly understood. If not, then Living Law will not work.,

Living Flow will establish the Living Rights to all of the people through Living Law. The problem is, people are attempting to assign a Living Law to a man made flow that does not support the integrity necessary assigned to Living Flow. If Living Flow is to be recognized, then it must be established for everyone. Not just a few randomly selected individuals. This is not how Higher Living Law works. Understanding the necessary integrity to access Living Flow and the Living Laws that protect Living Law means that the individual does not just seek for a singular method or purpose to obtain get Natural Flow to work only for them, as this will restrict its purpose.

This is the problem with all understanding concerning the Living Conditions of that govern Heaven. There is a lot of conflict regarding the flow of material wealth. Conflict disregards the necessary absolute truth that is necessary to delegate Living Flow. The only way to establish a Living Flow to our world is through peace. This is peace that can be offered independently, unlike material wealth.

Peace is a condition of Heaven. However, it is not an condition that determines the wealth of of this world. Conflict is the condition of wealth in this world. If the individual has enough money, chances are they will want more. This is a left over trait of body evolution. However, this is not a natural trait of the Spirit. Hence, it is the collective Creative Spirit, not the body that must be consciously looked to for help in solving the Living Flow dilemma. 

Absolutes only happen in truth or reality. Anything that happens is happening in the Now. Anything that occurs has been determined in the past. A skill is something that is learned in the past, and will occur over and over again However, an ability is something that is happening now. If a skill is added to an ability, instead of an ability being added to a skill, the determining factor of Now will recognize the natural ability within the Spirit as happening Now. Thus, instead of placing a skill learned in the past ahead of an ability, which belongs to the Spirit, in second place,  the individual will have access to Living Flow. This will begin the process of shifting the underlying limited value of a past skill, with an unlimited ability of the Spirit, which happens in the Now.

An ability of the Spirit is One with Living Flow. The Spirit does not seek for individual wealth, as this is inconsistent and out of order with the Higher Value of Heaven. In order to consciously direct Living Flow, one must understand that what they are seeking is what they seek for the whole, not just themselves. This does require forethought and consistency. The next question is, how does one learn to do this?

The condition that defines wealth in this world is defined by a material possession. This possession is wealth, or money. However, the condition of Heaven, which is necessary to enter Living Flow, is one. This oneness includes the many, but it also leaves no-thing out. Thus, this One includes the Whole. This condition is naturally defined as One Wholeness Now.

An individual skill will not allow anyone to enter into Living Flow. Being unable to enter into Living Flow will prevent the individual from understanding that they are protected by Living Law. Without access to Living Law, the individual will be forced to reconcile their body to inferior laws that respect the paper flow that is being regulated by a few individuals. 

The individual must consciously learn to place the Natural Ability that joins them with the collective Whole first. This will break down the barriers of independent power and wealth that appear to be given only to a few. There is power in the many, and when this power joins with the Living Power in Living Flow, the people will be protected by Living Law. This is the same Living Law that protected Israel when this Nation exited Egypt 40000 years ago. The mass army of Egypt, which was sent to detain the Nation of Israel, was simply nothing compared to the Living Laws that protected the Exodus of these people.

As individuals begin to learn to place their Natural Ability above the skillful treasures they see as necessary to maintain the false integrity that money provides, whole new sources of abundance will begin to be introduced into the world through Living Flow. Once Living Flow is accepted by the people of the world, whole Living Flow will be restored to the Earth as well, and she will "blossom as a rose." If all of this is confusing, remember this; the Nation of Israel roamed in the desert for 40 years before they were able to understand the Law, and what was required of them to live in peace.

There is really a lot of information to cover, for this reason it is best not to be overwhelmed. What is important to understand is that there is a specific Plan to introduce Living Flow into our world to restore Wholeness.

Our world has never had whole access to Living Flow because of an error that was made long before the Great Flood, which delivered Noah and his family into a whole new world. This new world would allow the people to establish a reality with separate body identities, without a collective Identity that would connect our world to the Heavens. This is called the physical history of the world. It includes the evolution of the body, which required us to individually accept a body skill as the basis for our reality. A body skill is a limit to the Natural Ability that belongs to the Spirit.Today we are being offered the means to remember what was forgotten at the beginning of linear time.

I hope that you will join me in learning another history that has been lost in time and space. This story is beyond the spoken word because it is beyond time. I will attempt to do this Story justice, with my words. However, in order to hear an accurate interpretation that will fill your mind, you must journey down an unfamiliar rode. This is the journey that will lead to whole new interpretations, which will ultimately lead to whole new understanding. It is this whole new understanding that will connect us to the Living Flow that moves through time.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The False Evident Demonstration of an Illusion

The problem with faith is that it will support an illusion despite the fact that all evidence stems from a deception. This is the power of faith.

Hope also carries power. While faith is the evident demonstration of reality, though not yet beheld, hope carries what faith is being demonstrated for.

Our world exists on a timeline that carries a dual reality. This dual reality is comprised of opposing values. At one end of the timeline, faith is carried in the unlimited creative power that we share jointly in. This is the Collective Spirit of our world. The opposing value, which evidence seems to support, is that our nature is not unlimited, but in fact limited to a body reference. Which evidence of faith do you support?

If you say you support faith in the body, then your faith is limited to what you support. If you say you support the evidence of the Collective Spirit, then you will look for evidence to support this faith.

All body evidence is supported and produced by the one operating their body. The ability to support th body comes from the Collective Spirit, as it is standard equipment when we are born. The way to build on the Natural Ability of the Spirit is to use the body to define a specific skill. The problem is, once a skill begins to be integrated within the mind, the Natural Ability in the Collective Spirit becomes a 2nd nature, as the skill takes over.  Once the skill takes over the Natural Ability of the Collective Spirit, we are independently responsible for using our skill to reach the collective whole. In other words, we will have to force and manipulate with body skills in order to reach a desired outcome. Because this way of "doing" with a body skill is limited, we are only accessing 10% of the actual "ability" we were born with the reach the collective whole.

Once the unnatural process of using skill to force or manipulate with the body becomes our independent means to gather information, we begin to "buy" into the so called skills that other people possess. We believe that if we use their skill, we will have what we want.

First we figure out what we want to "get," and because it is impossible to get with an ability, we will look for a skillful way to get what we want by seeking the advice of others, or by watching the skill of another. Either way, we may build our skill, but if we are not including our natural ability, it will be evident within that something is missing in our method.

Watching someone else who is successful will not lead to personal success if inner ability is set aside, and this is exactly what we tend to do as we mature. In fact, this is what we are taught to do.

How many times have you heard the statement; if you want to be successful, find someone who is and follow in their footsteps. This would work for someone who is mature enough to understand what it is that they want in their life. However, if an individual is seeking for body success for independent glory, this is an illusion. The illusion is brought about by the belief that it is possible to gain what is wanted by patterning the success of another. This is ridiculous, as there are too many variables within this method of learning.

If the skill method is method of learning is accepted as a way to gain what is wanted in life, the individual will have to look at the fact that they are leaving out 90% of the unlimited potential in the Natural Ability, which is connected to the Collective Spirit, as it is within the Collective Spirit that what we refer to as coincidences and synchronicity occurs. It is within our Natural Ability that we are Collectively joined in "Nature." Nature being were Living Flow occurs. The Natural Ability within the Collective Creative Spirit must be placed first in time. It must be the first consideration.

The artificial flow that skill provides is limited to the belief that we can somehow have our needs met by moving a body skill outside of the Collective Spirit, and then be satisfied with a fistfull of dollars that this artificial flow provides.

The unnatural flow on the linear timeline, which is defined by body skill, can and will run out at the end of the linear timeline. This end of time signifies the conclusion of the life of the skill that the body is being used for. There is another way, but as individuals we must be willing to look at all of the ways that we have independently chosen the independent body over the Collective Unifying evidence of the Spirit.

The way we have been taught to apply body skill over the Collective Natural Ability of the Spirit is clearly a violation of the Spirit. Any violation of the Spirit clearly violates, not only the Living Laws of Heaven, but also denies our Right to the unlimited potential within the Spirit. Any denial of the Collective Nature within the Spirit is a denial of Self Value. Any denial of this nature will end in an unnatural and untimely death. Whether it comes from old age, or disease, denial of the Spirit will result in an untimely death.

This is deception that we hang onto believing that we can make an illusion that is rooted in this deception into a real world. This is all make believe, and it is all a lie.

It is time to be real, as being and having are exactly the same thing. If you do not have what you want, is it possible that your Natural Ability is "being" ignored.

Remember this, whenever you are tempted (temptation is a wish to make an illusion real) to place a body skill over a Natural Ability of the Spirit, you are walking without the aid of the Collective Spirit of the whole. You did not really believe that the Heavens would give you access to the Whole Collective Spirit without considering your brother or sister did you? Yet this is what we believe. It is a deception, and all deceptions lead to illusions. If you place your faith in evidence in the false hope that you can define a reality without considering the Whole, is this not a pipe dream?

Alone we are all lowly. However, collectively the right person will always come along;we will always manage to be in the right place at the right time, and the right thing that we need to fulfull our goal will always show up. This is called the Law of Attraction.

The Collective Solution of the Spirit is always evident. However, if we are looking at something else, how will we ever know? The Cllective Solution of the Spirit is one we can place our faith in with the assured expectation of receiving the things hoped for. Everything else is an illusion.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Plugging Into the Rainbow Matrix

Unlike the technological matrix that people are programming with their intellect, the Rainbow Matrix is a blank program in time that has not yet been emotionally programmed.

While this world continues to place its intellectual attention on a matrix that has been assigned to an artificial time zone, there is an emotional matrix that is being ignored. The Rainbow Matrix has all of the Living Property Value of the Heavens, except the emotional value that moves through a Living Virtual Time Zone has not yet been emotionally programmed. The programming of the Rainbow Matrix is being left up to the people of this world. This will allow the collective to give life to the Rainbow Matrix and also allow the Living Flow of the Heavens to move through the Rainbow Matrix. This will offer new life to our world that was not evident in the past.

The plugging into a matrix that allowed intellectual value to be placed first in time began when the body was placed above the Creative Spirit. In order to navigate in the body, it was necessary for the intellect to assume the first place in time. As the intellect learned to use the body for its main source of accomplishment, the Creative Spirit began to take second place in time.

Once the appetite of the body completely overwhelmed the emotional intelligence of the Spirit, and time was full of this non-sense, there was an end to time. Any space in the Universe where time is evident, the emotional intelligence of the Spirit must be present.

The purpose of time is to create seasons. Without emotional intelligence, there is no such thing as a season. If you do not believe me, look inside of artificial time. There are pictures of seasons that the intellect has introduced. However, as far as a season is concerned, there is NO SUCH THING in artificial time. Technology cannot program emotional intelligence into artificial time because there is no such program because there is no such thing as a Creative Spirit in artificial time.

The Living Program that defines emotional intelligence belongs to the Heavens, as does the Spirit. In the beginning, this proved to be a protective measure in that body intelligence would never be allowed entrance into the Heavens to program emotional intelligence.

It is the Creative Spirit that programs emotional intelligence. The Creative Spirit shares time with the body, however, the body was never designed to be placed first in time. Once this error occurred, the matrix that was being programmed began to shift. Once there was the matrix was full of body understanding, the purpose for time ended and the matrix crumbled. This event was defined by the Great Flood.

After the Great Flood, the Rainbow Matrix was preserved in time and a whole new matrix was formed. This New World Matrix carried all of the data necessary to define the body as being first in time. This is called the physical history of the world, and it is also called the evolution of the body.

Before the flood, there was no such thing as body evolution, as the evolution of the body was not programmed into the matrix. However, after the flood, the evolution of the body was programmed into the New World Matrix. We are talking about programming that is so advanced, the technology we assign in our 3D reality is primitive in comparison.

Even though a New World Matrix had begun, the error that was introduced in the beginning, which placed the intellect of the body above the Creative Spirit, remained. The programmed time necessary for this error to play itself out on this New World Matrix would also take time.

The people who were living in the pre-flood days, and before these people were wiped out, they were very advanced, as they still had access to the Living Emotions that were present in their Spirit. This connection kept the body alive for hundreds of years, unlike the body that we access today.

However, the people during the time of the pre-flood were using their emotions independent of the Creative Collective Spirit. This meant that independent body emotions became very depraved. The Bible refers to these emotions as being body expressed as "sexual appetites."

At one time these emotions were pure and wholly defined, which means that they were One with the Heavens. The Collective Creative Spirit was also One with the Heavens. Once the many independent bodies  died during the flood, these Living Emotions were returned to the Creative Spirit. Without the deceptive corruption, which was violating the Creative Spirit, the Higher Living Emotional Value was released. Once released, it was hung in the Rainbow Matrix, where it would remain until this day.

Today, we the people have been given the ability to program the Rainbow Matrix. Although the Earth has remained One with the Heavens, we the people have not. We are continuing to pursue a body intelligence within an artificial time zone that does not see the value within the Creative Living Spirit. Hence, the Living Spirit, which would connect our world to the Heavens, as in body/mind/spirit, is literally being left hanging in time.

Programming the Rainbow Matrix is not anything we can do without the Help of the Heavens. This is because we "believe" we understand something that will somehow change the direction of our world. This is just not going to happen.

The Rainbow Matrix carries all of the Living Emotions that would unite the Collective Creative Spirit in One Wholeness Now. One defines, which means individually understanding that without our Living Emotions, we will continue to be lost. Wholeness explores, which means that when we unite the bodies intellect with the Living Flow our emotional contentment, there will be no more war, disease, hate, hunger, religion, or anything else that interferes with the Whole Understanding of Collective Global Peace. This will unite us globally with the Planet Earth. This natural connection was lost at the time of the separation. Now is an aspect of time that is impossible to attain with wholly understanding our connection with every living thing within the Universe.

Being a Rainbow Warrior means that we are willing to program the Rainbow Matrix. Repairing the Rainbow Nations means that we are willing to understand how the separation of the body senses has disengaged the elements from nature, and that we are willing to learn how to reconnect Spiritually to the Earth.

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Split Mind

The mind is split about its reality. While some individuals have moved beyond the 10% of body programming necessary to support the body, most have not. The 10% that supports the body is external. Because this 10% is externally referenced, the 5 body senses have split in an effort to maintain body integrity. This split in the senses is interfering with our natural ability to understand the other 90% of our reality. In order to understand the 90% that represents the vast majority of our reality, the gap at the body sensory level will have to come together as One. Once the body senses unite into One Sense, Whole Value will return not only individually, but also collectively. This will end the separation, and also provide another opportunity for our world, which was not evident while there were gaps in the body senses.

Closing the gaps at the body sensory level, while reconnecting a whole sensory mind to the Heavens cannot be done without the consent of the people of our world. This consent must be done individually and collectively. Those who agree to join in this massive re-education effort must agree to be re-educated.

This is not an external education, but rather an internal education. This will require an Internal Guide, as well as Internal Advisors to be invited into the individual internal awareness. The purpose of Internal Guidance and Advisors is to help with this massive re-education process.

As the understanding necessary to gain access to the other 90% of the split mind becomes evident, it will be possible to see the external evidence of this internal re-education plan in action.

The individuals who agree to explore the Collective Value in the 90% of unexplored understanding within the split mind will be called Rainbow Warriors. A Rainbow Warrior is one who is relearning Self Value by agreeing to restore the mind to Wholeness. The understanding that is necessary to gain Whole Self Value is found in time. Because time is a dimension, a higher learning device has been added to time, which will allow individuals access to the 90% of lost collective understanding which has been saved in time.

This is a massive Plan, which set into motion thousands of years ago. This is a Plan of the Heavens that will be provided for the people to save Middle Earth, until which time the collective Rights of the collective have been wholly restored. Once this restoration is complete, the destination of the Middle Earth will then be left up to Whole to decide.

Understanding just what the Middle Earth is and how it came to be must be internally understood. Accessing this understanding will call on the individual to raise their 3D body awareness to a 4D awareness, where real change can and will occur.

Because rainbows occur in time, the term Rainbow Warrior is properly applied. The Rainbow Warrior will be exploring the many body gaps that have prevented them from accessing the higher awareness of understanding that is available to them in time, or in 4D.

According to the Plan to raise the collective conscious awareness of this world to a higher level of understanding, each individual is responsible for taking the initiative to become a Rainbow Warrior. Specific information on proceeding will be supplied, although the new awareness necessary to maintain the Middle Earth will be provided internally.

A Hand reaches out from the Heavens to us individually. This is the Hand that will allow the people of the world to shift global power to the people where it belongs. However, the people must first learn Whole Self Value. Only Whole Self Value will allow the people to understand the nature of the Self. This Nature is One with the Nature of the Earth. Once this is learned, humans and the Earth will live in whole harmony.

We live in an exciting era. Never before in the history of the Universe has a global project such as this been offered to a species. There is an opportunity that has been set before us that can and will change everything. The next step we take is ours. The Whole Universe is waiting on our individual decision.

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Friday, November 11, 2016

The Symbolic War for Middle Earth

The 3D timeline that our world exists on was made and designed to hold both the ungodly nature of the primitive and the Divine Nature of the Spirit. In the 3D world that we experience in time, our vision is limited to a 3D body experience. This is because of an error that was made in the beginning.
What we see on the 3D timeline is limited to the body because this is the 3D nature of the body.

In 3D, for everything that can be seen on the linear timeline understanding is necessary. This understanding comes from body belief. However, there is a multitude of Creations that we have brought with us into the Middle Earth that have not been allowed to manifest into form. These are both good and bad forms that lie in wait within the unconscious mind.

The influence of the ungodly primitive nature on the Natural Creations of the Spirit are Universally understood. However, in the limited 5 sensory body we are unaware of what is going on at the unconscious level of mind.

The unconscious level of mind is creative and unlimited. However, the body itself is a limit because it cannot see beyond the 5 senses, which protects the unseen realm. That we can only see or understand 10% of our reality is an understatement. If it was possible to see into this unconscious creative realm, people would take care to guard their thoughts, as it is only at the thought level that it is possible to create.

The war for the middle Earth is being played out in a realm that we do not understand because we cannot see it with the body's eyes. Instead, we are seeing an effect of this war. Hence, the symbolic war is occurring in our world. The consequences for not becoming aware of this war will completely destroy middle Earth or the Earth that our world exists on. We can either choose to become aware of this fact, or we can continue to ignore it. If we continue to ignore this unseen war, we will not have the opportunity to protect our Real Creations. These Creations are found in nature.

Think of the greatest poets and artists that have ever graced our world. Within their mind, they brought a creative potential with them, as we have. Within their art and poetry, they Created majestic creatures that live inside of Nature.

Now, think about the most depraved people who have lived in time in our world. These are people who are murderers and have done the most depraved things known to mankind. The after math of this depravation leaves a haunting sound in the Middle Earth that will make the back of our hair stand up. This creative power existed within them as well. What has this unnatural destructive creative potential added to the middle Earth, or the unseen world. These unnatural beasts and demons are attempting to destroy the Creative Energy that has been thriving in nature for thousands of years.

The unnatural depraved world that is attempting to destroy the Creative Beings that protect nature are succeeding. These are the beasts that come from the split mind primitive mind/body. They were made without hope, faith or Love. Their only mission is destroy the Middle Earth. Without hope, faith, or Love, their purpose is death. This has been our purpose or mission in Middle Earth since Middle Earth began. This is because our thoughts have been contaminated with past memories that have passed death on for thousands of years, These unnatural thoughts and memories have been being passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

The past memories of darkness are not threatening to destroy Middle Earth, along with the Creations of Nature that live in Middle Earth. What has been placed before the people of our world amounts to a choice. Either we can continue on believing that we already understand the creative level of mind with a limited visual experience, or what can be seen with the body, or we can begin to grasp the notion that there is obviously something going on here that we do not understand. What we choose is going to decide the future of, not only Middle Earth but also the many Creations in nature that preserve it.

Seeing into the creative realm that one has specifically made, and is living out in the 3D on the linear timeline and based on their own thinking, can be terrifying. For this reason, we are not being shown this hell. Instead, we are being asked to look into the possibility that maybe we do not understand what we need to understand to eliminate the many problems that are occurring on the linear timeline. These problems include disease, hunger, death, GMO, war, and destruction of any kind. This also includes the unnatural weather patterns that are threatening to destroy, not only our homes in 3D, but also the homes of the Creations that live in nature. These unnatural evil creatures are a result of our emotions that support hate, irritation, disgust, anger in any form, lust, unnatural sexual appetites, addictions, attempts to control someone else, pedophilia, and the list goes on. Any unnatural dark creation resulting from any emotion that is less than whole Love is adding to the destruction of Middle Earth.

As occupants of Middle Earth, we are being provided with an opportunity to undo the unnatural dark forces that are threatening to destroy Middle Earth within our self. In the 3D world, we are attempting to solve this problem by projecting it outside of ourselves by fighting a war that does not exist at all. The real war is going on within us. It is the result of a split mind.

As each individual lifts the dark emotions from within their own mind, they will begin to understand/see their Real Creations, and Middle Earth will be saved.

Although the Universe or Heavens cannot interfere with the direction that we globally choose for Middle Earth, what it can do is offer us a Plan to help us understand the problem, and then the means to undo what we cannot see for ourselves.

Only by undoing the unnatural dark forces that are living off of the fear coming from the unnatural emotions living within the mind/body, will it be possible to seize control of the Middle Earth. Once the Creations that live in Nature are destroyed, Middle Earth will not longer exist.

There is not much of nature left in Middle Earth with our Creations can find shelter. A stand must be taken NOW if Middle Earth is to survive. Once Middle Earth is saved, the Rainbow Nations will be established, but first the Rainbow Warriors must take a stand.

Miracle Coaching and Consulting for Rainbow Warriors

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Miracle Response

There is only one way to respond with a miracle, and everything we believe we need to understand for a Miracle Response is in error.

We live, work, play, think, and act out in a 3D body. This means our ability to understand has been defined, captured, and limited to a 3D body. We are so caught up in how the body interprets the whole world, we have no idea of the understanding that we are capable of. 

Being unconsciously chained to a 3D body, the only way to make individuals aware of just how limited their understanding has become being is to offer them the means to consciously choose another form of thought that is not chained to the body.

The Miracle Response has the ability to change our internal personal interpretations of everything we see within our 3D reality. Although this will not move us consciously out of the body, what it will do is allow us to align our understanding with the Heavens. In other words, the new interpretations that The Miracle Response offers will be in alignment with the understanding necessary to shift our allegiance away from any harmful, or fearfully conflicted ideas. These are ego based ideas that were formed before the age of logic or reason set in, which cause us to think in limited terms.
This is a process that must be learned. Although it can be learned, it is not necessarily easy. This is because our understanding is confined to a 3D body experience.

If everything that you learned in your body experience is in error, what is it exactly that you consciously understand? What interpretation do you carry that will allow you entrance into a higher realm of understanding?

Of this you can be certain, there is not one person in this world that will be allowed to carry their fear based body intelligence into a higher dimension. If this was allowed, this would contaminate this higher dimension as well. It only takes one thought that is out of alignment with whole truth to contaminate a dimension, and the 3rd dimension is full of contamination. 

Memory contamination is like a disease that is rampant. This is how our world ended up in 3D, a deceptive memory entered the mind of the whole, and immediately went to work contaminating the whole. We understand how a virus that makes the body sick. What we do not understand is how a deceptive will sicken a whole dimension.

All of the memory deceptions we carry concerning the 3D body experience are held within time. Time is so contaminated with this deception, it must be cleaned up BEFORE our world will be allowed entrance into the New Earth, or the Real World. If it is not cleaned up, then what would be the point?

Miracles are like cleaners in time, or in 4D. They see the problem and work with us individually to help us clean up our own mess in time.The miracle lies in their ability to completely abolish any contaminated memory that is preventing us from consciously moving into the next dimension. The understanding necessary to move into the next higher dimension lies beyond the understanding that we have committed to in the 3D body. It is thus the commitment to 3D body understand that must be addressed. This understanding lies in the emotional interpretations we have given to the external world, as it is the external world what defines our 3D body experience.

The purpose of miracles is to replace the 3D fearful body experience with a whole new miracle experience. This means that we will have to examine everything that we believe we understand to be real and true.

This is a job that we agreed to come here and help with. This was a promise made to the Heavens. The problem is, we have forgotten this promise, and so we are attempting to do something else. Whatever this something else is will not fix this world. Heaven has its OWN Plan.

The next step in Planetary alignment with the Heavens is not scheduled for body evolution. The body has evolved all that it is going to. Hence, body evolution is done, it is over, complete, and there is nowhere else to go because there is nothing else the body can understand. Period, end of sentence, chapter, book, and end of the linear time period that defined body evolution. However, there is plenty that consciousness can understand, but consciousness does not understand how to reach beyond the body experience. This is what Miracle Coaching and Consulting is for.

The next chapter in our world remains to be written. We the people are the ones who will be writing this chapter. Are you ready to write your chapter, which will be written in the Heavens until time indefinite? Most people I know don't even understand what their next step is in 3D, never mind writing a Living Chapter in the Book of Life.

Heavens wants to be known, and no one will ever know Heaven with the conscious understanding that is limited to a 3D body experience, and that's the way it is. The only way to understand Heaven is to understand your Self, and your Self is not limited to a body. WAKE UP!!!

Miracle Coaching and Consulting